North Carolina, South Carolina,Maryland,Georgia,Virginia
What are the colonies in the southern?
The Bread Basket Colonies
What is their nickname?
The soil was rocky
Why did the New England colonies not grow crops?
Reading,latin,and math
What did the boys study?
Making new clothes,sleigh riding and ice skating,barn raising,dance and soula clubs.
What did they the quakers do in their free time?
What are big farms called?
Lush and fertile
What was the soil like?
The economy was whaling,fishing,and shipbuilding
What was the economy?
They learned reading
What did the girls study?
Maryland,Virginia,North Carolina
What colonies got rich on Tobacco?
They get wiped or they take away their kid.
What happens if a slave was not working at full potential?
New Jersey,Pennsylvania,Delaware,and New York
What are the colonies in the middle?
New Hampshire,Massachusetts,Connecticut,Rhode Island
What are the 4 colonies in the New England colonies?
The boys
Boys or Girls,which one can go to college?
True or false The Bread Basket is the nickname of the Middle Colonies
Tobacco,Rice,and Indigo
Which crops did the southern colonies grow?
Did the king have trouble having power over the middle colonies?
The Puritans
What was the name of the people that lived there?
This was worn by students that got questions wrong or misbehaved.
What is a dunce hat?
True or false people moved to New England because the puritans believed in god so much that if you were not praying you would get in trouble
A lot of money
How much money did slave trader make?
The grew a lot of grain oats wheats and rve
How did the middle colonies get the nickname the bread basket colonies?
The King punished them for believing in god
why did the puritans come to New England?
So they could read the Bible
Why did the boys study reading?
Pennsylvania Middle Colonies
What Colonies do you live in? region included!