The British raised taxes on the their colonies because...
they needed to back debt from the French & Indian war
How did people in the colonies react to the Stamp Act?
(Give specific examples)
Threats towards tax collectors
angry letters in the newspapers
Who created the following image?
Benjamin Franklin
What was the Boston Massacre?
Answers may vary:
When British soldiers killed colonists in Boston after a protest/riot got into the streets
What deal did Lord Dunmore (British governor of Virginia) make with enslaved people?
That if they were to join the British army in fighting against the colonies, he would grant them freedom.
This law would force colonists to pay an extra tax on all paper items
Stamp Act
A tax is an amount of money added to the price of an item that is paid to the __________________
What was the name of the war that Benjamin Franklin created the Join or Die image for?
French and Indian War
How did colonists react after this was image made into newspapers across the colonies?
Wanting to fight back against the British
What did the 13 colonies call themselves after they won the war against the British?
The United States of America
This new law said that colonists must provide food and bedding for British soldiers
Quartering Act
Where did Benjamin Franklin live most of his life?
What happened soon after the Boston Massacre?
The colonies went to war with the British
In what year did the 13 colonies declare themselves independent from Great Britain
This act made it illegal for colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains
Proclamation Act of 1763
What is the "message" of the Join or Die political cartoon. BE SPECIFIC
Franklin encouraged/warned the colonies that they need to come together or else they would be defeated by the French or Indians (native Americans)
Also acceptable:
Encouraging the colonies to join together against the British in the Revolutionary War