Forms of Government
Reasons for Independence
Battles of the American Revolution

What began in 1607 and stated as the 1st permanent English settlement in the colonies? For what reasons did people come here?

Jamestown started as the 1st permeant English settlement and people came for economic reasons like farming.


Identify the reasons for the expansion of self and representative government?

The colonist and king were separated by long distances. 


What were the motives of exploration for England, France, and Spain?

The motives of exploration was to get more land/territory and expand their empire.


What was the main motive that started the French and Indian war and WHERE were the colonist looking to move to?

Land/territory disputes were what caused the French and Indian war because colonist had a desire to move west past the Appalachian Mountains


What was the significance of Lexington and Concord?

It was the 1st battles of the American Revolution. These were the battles that started the American Revolution. 

What settlement was founded for religious reasons and what were the people that settled their called?

Plymouth was founded for religious reasons and the people that settled there were called the pilgrims.


The Pilgrims were the 1st people that practiced self government between themselves. They created this document called?

The Mayflower compact which was contract between the people of Plymouth Massachusetts and the 1st form of self government. 


What was the southern region producing in the transatlantic trade and what was the south getting in return? 

The South was producing Cash Crops which were making the south tons of profits/money. In return they were getting slaves which were working on the plantations.


After the French and Indian War what did Britain do in order to help their economy and how did the colonist?

Britain decided to tax the colonies. The colonist Yelled no taxation without representation because they did not vote on these economic policies.

What 2 things were significant about the battle of Saratoga?

The Americans finally won a major battle against the British. This would convince the French to let us borrow weapons, ammo and trained soldiers. 


In the Southern Region what was the climate like and what was their economy?

The south was hot/sunny and had fertile soil. Their economy was based on farming cash crops on plantations.


The Virginia House of Burgess was significant because...

It lead to the growth of representative government in the 13 colonies.


The King and England forced the colonies to practice mercantilism. What was mercantilism and how did the colonist?

Mercantilism was the practice of only selling/exporting and buying/importing from the mother country. The colonies could only buy and sell to the mother county/England. The colonist did not like being forced and controlled with a law they did not vote for.

The king and parliament were upset about the Boston tea party where tea was dumped In the Atlantic Ocean by colonists. How did the King respond?

The king passed a series of laws called the Intolerable acts.


What was George Washington's role during the American revolution?

Washington was the commander and chief of the British army.


In the Northern/New England Region what was the climate like and what were some features of their economy?

The North was very snowy/cold with rocky soil. The economy included fishing, trading, lumber and shipbuilding.


Thomas Hooker created his on colony and created the an important document.

The document was called the fundamental orders of Connecticut. This was the 1st written constitution or set of rules by a colony.


What was proclamation line of 1763 and why was it passed by the king and England.

A line that was marked by the Appalachian mountains. Colonist could not move west of the line. They could not expdand


This is a major quote in the Declaration of Independence "for imposing taxes on us without our consent." Why did the colonist say this and how did they feel?

The colonist said this because the king was taxing the colonist without their permission and they did not like this.


What was the significance of James Armistead in the American Revolution?

He was a spy for the continental army. He helped with the battle of Yorktown. which was the last battle of the American Revolution. 


This region was know as the Bread Basket colonies for their production of wheat and food products.

The middle colonies


Name all the things that you can think of that would be need for shipbuilding.

A person would need lost of forests, a city with a deep harbors, and lost of sea animals.


Declaration of Independence it mentions that all men are created equal and all men have these rights that include life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. What are these rights called? 

These rights are called unalienable rights. These are rights that we are born with.
