It is rich soil.
The southern colonists established themselves with what?
To make money religious freedom.
The bread basket colonies established to make what?
That land was really rocky
Why was it hard to farm
Growing of tobacco helped Jamestown Colony.
Growing what help Jamestown?
it was about 3-7 years.
Work for an individual for an individual a limited time of about how long?
Because of the hot summers and mild winters.
What cost a lot of the diseases.
Bread basket.
What was freedom in their own land know as?
They were Subsistence farming.
What were they farming?
North America, Africa, and Europe.
The trlangle route includes what?
Wheat, barley, rye, corn, and other.
Cash cups include grain of what?
A longer grow season let them grow what?
They settled in the Middle colonies.
Were did the Dutch, English settled?
What formed by who
Help to establish lidership.
The compact helped to establish what?
Know as the Bread Basket.
Money religious freedom and own their own land. Known as the what?
Called North Carolina
Roanoke was located on the outer Banks of what we call now what?
The Quakers
Although who settled in this area?
Whaling,fishing, and ship building.
What are some of the tings they have?
Made on the mayflower.
An agreement made on the what?
The Quakers.
Although the who settled in this area initially.
Maybe assimilated with the native.
They maybe killed by natives or dispersing and maybe what?
Building mills,ships,homes, and factories.
A lot of skills in farming and building what?
Of other religions.
Puritans were not tolerant of what?
Slaves were brought over.
Who were brought over from various?
The Breadbasket Colonies established to make what?