Name the primary colors.
Magenta, cyan blue, and yellow
In RBG CMY colors, what is the complementary color of cyan blue?
What is red, green, and blue violet mixed together?
How do we make black?
Describe, in English, mix.
Possible answer:
To put to things together, such as two colors to make a new color.
Name the secondary colors
Red, green, and blue violet
In RGB CMY colors, what is the complementary color of magenta?
Yellow mixed with cyan blue?
How do we make cyan blue?
We mix green and blue violet
Describe, in English, darken.
Possible answer:
To make something appear closer to black.
Name three warm colors
Red, orange, and yellow
In RGB CMY colors, what is the complementary color to yellow?
Blue violet
Red mixed with blue violet?
How do we get yellow?
We mix green and red
Describe, in English, lighten.
Possible answer:
To make a color closer to white.
Name two cold colors
Green and blue
In the RYB color model, what is the complementary color of yellow?
Yellow mixed with magenta?
How do we get green?
We mix yellow and cyan blue
Describe, in English, excess.
Possible answer:
To have extra of something, or to have more than necessary.
Name the RYB color model's primary colors
Red, yellow, blue
In the RYB color model, what is the complementary color to blue?
In the RYB color model, what is red mixed with blue?
In the RYB color model, what do you mix to get green?
We mix yellow and blue.
Describe, in English, watercolors.
Possible answer:
A technique of painting that involves mixing paint with water to have a more watery affect.