This color is associated with love, passion and anger
How many true secondary colors are there?
What are complimentary colors?
Colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel
If a color is red, yellow or orange it is...
a warm color
How many primary colors are there?
What are the three secondary colors?
Purple, orange and green
What is the complementary color of yellow?
If a color is blue, green or purple it is..
a cold color
What are the three primary colors?
Red, blue and yellow
This color is associated with life and nature
What is the complimentary color of Orange?
Yellow-orange is a tertiary color that is a
Warm color
This color is associated with calm, sadness and cold
This color is associated with royalty and flowers
What is the complimentary color of red?
Blue-green is a tertiary color that is a..
cold color
This color is associated with happiness, energy and life
This color is associated with life and sunsets
In a pair of complimentary colors there will be:
1. Only primary colors
2. Only secondary colors
3. One primary color and one secondary color
3. One primary color and one secondary color
Yellow-green is a tertiary color that is a...
warm color