What are the three primary colors
Red, Yellow, and Blue
What are the three secondary colors?
Green, Purple, and Orange
What colors do you mix to create green?
Yellow and Blue
Define a monochromatic color scheme
Tints and shades of one color
What color scheme is used in the design of Jack Skellington?
When you mix red and blue, what secondary color do you get?
Mixing primary colors together create which type of colors?
What do you get when you add black to a color?
Tint Shade Neutral Monochromatic
Explain what complimentary colors are
The opposite colors (colors across from each other) on a color wheel
Is Patrick a shade or tint of Red?
How are primary colors different from secondary colors
You cannot make a primary color
How do secondary colors differ from primary colors?
You must mix 2 primary colors together to create a secondary color
How do you create a tint?
Which term refers to the lightness or darkness of a color?
Hue Shade Tint Value
What color scheme is being used here and what color?
Monochromatic Green
Mix a primary and a secondary color
Which is correct: green-yellow OR yellow-green
Describe the difference between a shade and a tint
A shade is a color mixed with black
A tint is a color mixed with white
In color theory, what does "warm" refer to?
Colors that contain orange, red, and yellow
How is color being used in the movie Inside Out?
Colors associated with the emotions.
Yellow: Joy Blue: Sadness
Green: Disgust Red: Anger
Purple: Fear
Which term refers to the colorfulness of a color as opposed to its lightness or darkness?
Hue Value Tint Shade
Which term refers to colors that are next to each other on the color wheel?
Analogous Complimentary Neutral Monochromatic
What happens when you mix all three primary colors together?
You get a gray or brown
Which term refers to colors that don't fall into the categories of warm or cool?
Monochromatic Neutral Analogous Complimentary
Rapunzel has a specific color scheme. What is it and what are the colors?
Complementary: Purple and Yellow