what is Hue
3 warm colors
What are Red, Orange, Yellow.
3 cool colors
Blue, Green, Purple
Red and Yellow make this color.
What is Orange?
The 4Ps
What are Prompt Prepared Productive Polite?
These are Lightened colors. Any color plus white mixed in.
What are Tints
Darkened colors. Any color plus black mixed in.
What are Shades
The location of a complementary colors scheme
What are Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel. Or colors that go good together.
These colors make up Orange?
What is Red and Yellow
What should you grab when you come into class?
Drawing Notebook (Sketch Book)
This color compliments Green
What is Red?
These are the Primary colors.
What are Red, Yellow, Blue?
These colors make Purple
Red and blue
Yellow and Blue make this color
What is Green
The only supply you need to bring to class.
What is a pencil?
The lightness and darkness of a color.
What is value?
These are the secondary colors.
What is Orange, Green, Purple
Mixing primary colors together we get these colors.
How to make secondary colors
Most commonly used color for logos.
What is Blue?
The number of learning targets you are being graded on.
What is 5 learning targets?
These colors fall in between the primary and secondary colors.
What are intermediate/tertiary
The absence of color
What is black?
The Chart used to define colors
The color wheel.
This color compliments blue
What is orange?