Define complementary color scheme.
What is colors that sit opposite on the color wheel.
What are the primary colors?
What are red, blue and yellow.
What is a tint?
What is white is added to the hue to create a lighter color.
What is hue?
What is the name of a color in the color spectrum.
What is the order of the color spectrum?
What are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.
What is a Analogous Color Scheme
What is colors that side next to each other on the color wheel.
What are secondary colors?
What are Violet, orange and green.
What is Shade?
What is black is added to create a darker color.
What are the three properties of color?
The three properties of color are hue, value, and intensity.
What are the neutral colors?
Neutral colors are black, white and gray.
What is a Triadic Color Scheme?
What are colors are evenly spaced apart on the color wheel-creating an equilateral triangle.
What are intermediate colors?
What are yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, red-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.
What is value?
What is the lightness or darkness of a color.
What is a solvent?
A solvent is the liquid that controls the thickness or the thinness of the paint.
How do artist use color to create space?
The placement of warm or cool colors can create the illusions of depth.
What is a Monochromatic Scheme
What is made up of one color and its tints and shades of that color.
How do you create intermediate colors?
What are warm colors?
What are yellow, red and orange.
What is a pigment?
Are finely ground, colored powders that form paint when mixed with a binder.
What is a color scheme?
A plan for organizing colors.
What is made up of three hues. First you choose your main color and then select the two colors on either side of its complement.
What is color?
What is the element of art that is derived from reflected light.
What are Cool Colors?
What are blue, green and violet.
In the past, where did pigments come from?
What are animals, vegetables and minerals
Define Color Wheel?
A circular arrangement which shows the relationship of color.