The name of a color
What is Hue
3 warm colors
What are Red, Orange, Yellow.
3 cool colors
What are Blue, Green, and Purple
Red and Yellow make this color.
What is Orange?
A name used to help remember rainbow order
What is Roy G. Biv
These are Lightened colors. Any color plus white mixed in.
What are Tints
Darkened colors. Any color plus black mixed in.
What are Shades
Colors across from each other on the color wheel
What are complementary colors
Colors that contain blue
What are cool colors
The color choices you make in your artwork
What is a color scheme
What is rainbow order
These are the Primary colors.
What are Red, Yellow, Blue?
Color choices that remind us of something else
What is symbolic color
Yellow and Blue make this color
What is Green
Colors adjacent or next to each other on the color spectrum
What are Analogous Colors
These colors fall in between the primary and secondary colors.
What are intermediate or tertiary colors
A color scheme that has one color plus black and white
What is monochromatic color scheme
A chart that helps you learn how colors relate to each other
What is a color wheel
Yellow, Yellow-green, Green, and Blue-green
What are Analogous Colors
Refers to the characteristics of color in terms of brightness or dullness.
What is intensity
Color comes from this
What are light rays?
The complement of blue
What is Orange
Paint that uses a lot of water
what is watercolor
The thicker paint that we use in art class
What is tempera paint
The complement of purple
What is yellow