How do you mix green?
Mix yellow and blue together.
What is the complimentary color to green?
The type of paint we have been using is called ______ paint.
What is a color scheme?
Color schemes are sets of colors that are specifically chosen from the color wheel to create certain effects in pieces of art.
How do you mix purple?
Mix blue and red together.
Red, orange, and yellow are considered ______ colors.
What is the complimentary color to purple?
Name two neutral colors.
Ex: Brown and gray
Orange, green, and purple are _______ colors.
When you add white to a color, it is called a ______.
What is the complimentary color to orange?
Name two analogous colors.
example: red and purple.
What can the color red mean?
Name all the primary colors.
Red, yellow, and blue.
When you darken a color, it is called a _____.
How do you mix orange?
Mix red and yellow.
Name two more analogous colors.
Ex: Green and Blue
Which color scheme is relaxing, calm, and laid back?
Cool colors
Name all the tertiary colors.
Yellow-green, Yellow-orange, Red-orange, Red-violet, Blue-green, Blue-violet.
Describe how to create a value scale using crayon.
Start by pressing very light then press gradually harder until the color is as dark as it will go.
Same as above, but add black to the darker side.
How do you figure out the complimentary color to any color on the color wheel?
Look directly across the color wheel from the first color.
Name all the basic complimentary color pairs.
blue and orange, red and green, and yellow and purple.