This is the teacher:child ratio for your current group while they are awake.
What is:
Toddlers (2.5-3yrs) - 1:8, Preschool (3-4yrs) - 1:10
Pre-K (4-5yrs)- 1:12, Mixed (2.5-5yrs) - 1:10
School Age (KG+) - 1:15
This is the minimum allowable rest time for all children ages 2.5-6yo, who aren't in a school age program.
What is: 30 minutes
This is what must parents do every day when dropping their children off and picking them up.
What is: Sign them in and out
This is what you should you do if you suspect child abuse or neglect.
What is: Report it to the Child Abuse Hotline.
This is the level of supervision required for all children at all times.
This is how far apart are children's cots/mats to be placed during nap.
What is: 2 feet or a solid barrier
These are two things you must do to a table before and after children eat.
What are: -Wash with soap & water -Sanitize with bleach & water or approved sanitizer
This tool / form helps you keep track of how many students are presently in your care.
What is: Attendance form
This is how often should the program practice emergency drills.
What is: every month
This is the number of children who can be in the building with just one adult.
What is: 8
This is the required teacher:child ratio for your group during nap time.
What is: Double the awake ratio. (for preschool groups only)
This is what you should do if a child does not bring a lunch, or their lunch does not include enough (healthy) food.
What is: Provide an alternate snack item from the school and message the parent in Brightwheel
This is required before giving a child medication of any kind.
What is: a Medication Form completed by Parent and Doctor
This is when the playground / play yard should be inspected for danger
What is: Every day before children play outside.
This is the maximum group size for your current group.
What is:
Toddlers (2.5-3yrs) - 16, Preschool (3-4yrs) - 20
Pre-K (4-5yrs)- 24, Mixed (2.5-6yrs) - 20
School Age (KG+) - 30
These are the 3 things must must all children have during naptime.
What is: -sheet -blanket (or bedroll) -cot/crib labeled with their name
This is when you should use DISINFECTANT.
What is: - For bodily fluids, such as: in the bathroom after diapering, cleaning up a toileting accident, when blood or bodily fluids are on a table or toys
These are the two things required before a child can be released to an unfamiliar adult.
What are: -Identification -Written Parent Permission (including listed in Brightwheel)
This is what teachers should do first thing in the morning and as part of every transition.
What are: Child head counts.
This is the number of children that can be in a combined group on the playground.
What is: 20 (or, What is the largest group size for the ages of children present?)
This is the length of time a child can be awake on their mat before being offered a quiet activity.
What is: 10 minutes
This is what all children must wear at school every day, before going outside.
What is sunscreen?
These two things must be done if a child has an accident/injury.
What are: -complete an Accident Report form (report in Brightwheel) -notify Parent
*If a serious injury, also report to Director to report to Licensing
These are the steps for diaper changing.
What are: - Get prepared & put on clean gloves. - Remove the diaper, wrap and place in trash, wash hands. - Dress the child and wash their hands. - Disinfect the diapering area as needed and WASH YOUR HANDS. Record in Brightwheel if tracking.