Colorado has 3 venomous Pit Vipers the most abundant throughout most of the state is:
The Prairie Rattlesnake
What is a group of wolves or coyotes called
A pack
The State Flower
White & Lavender Columbine (Rocky Mountain Columbine)
How many limbs does a spider have
what type of bear should you play dead if attacked
Brown or Grizzley bear, Black bear try to escape.
in North American envenomation's are generally caused by Crotalids e.g. pit vipers, 3 groups of pit vipers are:
rattlesnakes, water moccasins and copperheads
Why do wolves have sharp claws
To kill their prey.
The State Fish
Greenback Cutthroat Trout
Comanche National Grassland in La Junta
How fast can a bear run
Faster than you, average 30 mph, 25 to 40 mph
Signs and Symptoms of Pit Viper Bites
Fang marks; Swelling and pain, Bruising and blister formation; Weakness, sweating and chills; Nausea and perhaps vomiting; Numbness and swollen lymph nodes.
Free-roaming domestic animals are more likely to be killed by this cause than by coyotes.
What is a car or pickup?
The State animal
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
what are signs and symptoms of a Scorpion sting
Immediate pain, increased by tapping; localized swelling and redness; numbness and tingling around the sting site; Nausea, vomiting and incontinence; slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, seizures; Respiratory or cardiovascular involvement
Things to do to avoid bear encounter
be aware of your surroundings, make noise by singing (or saying a prayer), carry a bell, check for bear marking or scat in the area, carry bear spray.
if you encounter one of Colorado's rattlesnakes in the wild, what are the two main recommendations you should do
Stop: turn around or make a small detour around the serpent with a respectable distance
Wolves eat plants and animals to survive. True or false?
False, Wolves are carnivores, so they only eat meat.
The State bird
Lark Bunting
What are the signs and symptoms of a Brown Recluse Spider bite
Red blister appears 1 to 5 hours after the initially painless bite; Blister begins to develop into a non-healing wound; chills, fever, generalized rash and weakness may develop
what triggers the bear
Movement and panicking, food, getting between mom and cub.
Two types of Lizards we worry about in North America
Gila Monster and the Mexican Beaded Lizard
This non-invasive technique is often used on habitual visitor animals to scare them and deter them from approaching people in the future.
What is hazing?
The State summer sport
Pack Burro Racing
what are the 3 most highly venomous spiders in Colorado
Southern Black Widow, Northern Black Widow and Brown Recluse. (less venomous are Hobo spider, Caroline Wolf Spider, Banded Garden Spider, Striped Fishing Spider, Triangulate Cobweb Spider, Mouse Spider, Cat-faced Spider, Zebra back Spider, Apache jumping spider, Hentz Orb-weaver)
Color of the grizzly bears' guard hair
Grey /silver