Skills for Learning
Emotional Ups and Downs
Wizard/Lizard Brain and Kelso's Choices

What are the 4 things we must do to be good listeners with our body?

1) Eyes Watching

2) Ears Listening

3) Quiet Voices

4) Body Still/Calm Body


What is empathy and why is it important to be empathetic or have empathy for someone else?

Empathy is gathering information to understand how someone else is thinking or feeling.

This is important because we understand how to help and support others, as well as understanding how our behavior makes others feel.

We are likely to have more friends and quality relationships if we learn to be empathetic or show empathy towards others. 


Is there anyone who gets everything they want?

NO! Nobody gets everything they want, but if you make good choices you will get more of what you want. It is important for everyone to know to accept this fact when we do not get what we want and have calm emotions. 


What is the Wizard and Lizard Brain?

Wizard - stop and think about what we are doing while asking our selves, am I making a good choice or a bad choice. For example, will this make the problem bigger or smaller? How will my behavior impact others? What choices do I have

Lizard - reacting to what we are seeing, hearning, and feeling without thinking about consequences. 


When we focus our attention with our "Attentoscopes," we not using our body, but instead, we are using our...? Why?


To prevent ourselves from day dreaming or to prevent our minds from wandering!


Can two people have different emotions while doing the same thing?

Absolutely! It is common for two people to have different feelings at the same time. This is important because you may be excited to do something, but your friend may be scared.


Do we all want the same things or want to play the same games?

No, we are all different and we want different different things and want to play different games. We must learn to compromise. Sometimes it is important to play games others want and sometimes we get to play games we want.


What are Kelso's Choices?

Stopping-and-thinking about all of the choices we have to resolve our small to medium problems. 

All of you are strong enough and smart enough to resolve your own minor problems. You ALL have the ability to be peacemakers! 

You all have the ability to use at least two of Kelso's Choices to resolve your own problems. All you have to do is keep practicing. Stop-and-Think!


What is "Self-Talk" and how can we use it to be better learners?

"Self-Talk" means talking quietly to yourself or in your head

"Self-Talk" can be used to help you remember, focus, on-task, and handle distractions


Who is the best actor/actress?



What are some things we can do to calm ourselves down when we are angry, mad, sad, or frustrated?

1) Take deep breaths

2) Ask to take a break and then take deep breaths

3) Use self-talk

4) Ask for help from an adult


Can you name at least 6 verbal and nonverbal Kelso's Choices?

Wait and cool off

Make a deal

Apologize (great way to resolve problems!)

Tell them to stop

Walk away

Ignore it (doing noting IS a choice)

Share and Take Turns

Talk it out 

Go to another game


Bonus Question...Which football team is the best in the NFL?


(also accepted...any other team in the NFL)


What is compassion and how can you show compassion to others?

Compassion - focusing attention on and listening to others is a form of empathy by showing you care about people's bad and good experiences.

Showing compassion for others will help develop better relationships.


If we are sad, mad, frustrated, or angry is it okay to yell or hit others? What should we do when we are sad, mad, frustrated, or angry with others?

Speak to them in an assertive manner. That is, speak to them in a calm but firm manner - this is being assertive. 

We never want to be aggressive or passive. It makes our problems worse!


What are "Red Flags"?

If we are experiencing "Red Flags" and choose to "wait and cool off," what can we do to "cool off?"

"Red Flags" are both on the inside and outside of our body which warn us that we must Stop-And-Think!  For example, fast heartbeat, tight muscles, scrunched up face, red face, heavy breathing, stomping feet, tight fists, etc...all signal that we need to Stop-And-Think and use strategies to clam down, like...

Remove yourself from the situation

Take deep breaths


Counting numbers in your head

Counting number of items in the room


What does it mean to be assertive? What does it mean to be passive and aggressive? 

Being Assertive means, asking for what you need in calm, firm, and respectful voice


What does empathy mean to your own words, and why is it important to be empathetic.

*Use your own words


What are the biggest and smallest planets in our solar system? (Pluto is not a planet) 

Jupiter - Largest - 43,441 miles

Mercury - Smallest - 1,516 miles


What is the largest animal in the world?

What is the worlds most massive organism?

Blue Whale (about 100 feet)

Aspen grove (because they have an interconnected root system)
