Name 4 colors of the sign?
Red, black, yellow, white
Name 2 colors of the shirt?
Red, Grey
What character was Katy Perry dressed up as?
Name 3 colors of the chair?
Blue, Brown, Black
Name 5 colors of the dog?
Pink, black, red, yellow, white
What color was Roman Collin's outfit for the top 14?
Name 6 colors of the picture?
Yellow, red, green, white, Brown, tan
Name 3 colors of Katy Perry's dress?
White, Black, Blue
Daily Double: What color was Nya's dress for the top 14?
Name 7 colors of the house?
Brown, white, black, green, blue, grey, tan
Name 6 colors of the bird?
Yellow, orange, black, light blue, dark blue, white
What color was Abi Carter's top 14 dress?
Name 5 colors of Abi Carter's outfit?
Brown, black, white, blue, yellow
Name 7 colors of Santa?
red, white, grey, black, tan, blue, yellow
What song did Julia Gagnon sing for the top 14?
God I need a favor