What colour is a stop sign
What is orange?
a pumpkin
What tool do you use that is yellow?
a pencil
What striped animal is orange and black?
a tiger
The grass is?
What fruit is orange inside and out
an orange
What is sweet and comes in many colours (brown, pink, blue)
The rule that we should all follow is?
Golden Rule
What animal is grey, shiny and lives in the ocean?
a dolphin
A pig is?
This thing is brown on the bottom and green on the top. What is it?
a tree
What is green and fly's on a broom?
a witch
What is light brown and hard as a rock?
a desk
What is pink and stands tall like a tree?
a flamingo
The sky is?
What farm animal is black and white?
a cow
What candy is yellow, white and orange?
candy corn
What is white that can be found in a classroom?
What is tan/ brown and stands AS tall as a tree?
a giraffe
A traffic light has three colors, what are they?
green, yellow, and red
What fruit is red on the outside and white on the inside?
an apple
What is black and roams at night?
black cat
What tools are multiple colours and do not erase?
What animal has black and white stripes?
a zebra
A fire truck is?