What colour do you get if you mix the colour of a lemon + strawberries ?
What is Orange?
What two things do you need to paint?
What are Paint and Paintbrush?
What is the most common colour of apples?
What is Red?
What two colours would you find on Trees?
What are Brown and Green?
What does blue and green make?
What is turquoise ?
What is the most common colour of a Pencil?
What is Yellow/Orange?
What colour is the street?
What is Black?
asphalt black
What are the colours of the RijnIjssel logo ?
What are orange and purple?
What are the colours of the Dutch flag?
Red/ White / Blue
What is our National colour?
What is orange.
What colours are in the Rainbow?
What is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet?