If you are in the "red zone" what emotions could you be feeling?
Mean, Angry, Terrified, Panicked
What doors do you have to go through to get into program?
What happens if you are not working during HWC?
You won't have an Activity (you'll stay in HWC during the Activity)
Why can't Elsa have a balloon?
If you are in the "blue zone" what emotions could you be feeling?
Sad, Bored, Tired, Sick
Where do your backpacks go? (and where DON'T they go?)
They go on the backpack table!
They DON'T go on the floor!
What can you work on during HWC?
How many teachers are there in ASP?
If you are in the "yellow zone" what emotions could you be feeling?
Worried, Frustrated, Silly, Hyper
Finish the sentence "Leave it cleaner than ___ _____ __."
"You found it."
True or False? 3rd & 4th graders will do an activity first, then go to HWC.
What falls in Winter but doesn't get hurt?
If you are in the "green zone" what emotions could you be feeling?
Happy, Focused, Calm, Proud
What does listening look like?
Mouth closed, eyes on the person talking, feet facing forward
If HWC or activity space isn't clean what will happen?
You cannot leave until it's clean! Stay and help
What is Ms. Koch's first name?
When are you allowed to move your name to a different zone?
After you sign in, during recess, or at the end of the day.
What do you have to do before you go to the restroom?
Ask an adult!
What is super important for you to keep your spot in ASP?
Attendance, working, being respectful
How many Activities will there be to choose from each day?
Usually two!