Christopher Columbus
The Voyage
The Holiday

Where was Christopher Columbus born?



What were the names of Columbus' 3 ships?

The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria 


Where did Columbus think he was when he reached land?

He believed he was in the Indies (Asia) but really, he had landed in the Bahamas


When Columbus and his men began to settle in the Americas, what did they bring with them?

Countless Diseases killing 3-5 million over 50 years

(smallpox, measles, bubonic plague, influenza, cholera, scarlet fever, chicken pox, malaria, lyme disease, tetanus, strep throat, yellow fever, and more) 


When did Columbus Day become a federal holiday?

1937, however it had been celebrated in many cities since the 1700s


Who did Columbus say told him to be an explorer? 



What country financially backed Columbus' voyage?

Spain, under Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand after having been denied by Portugal, England, and France


Was Columbus the one who actually discovered "America"?


It was after Columbus' voyage that Amerigo Vespucci found North America, coining its name. Columbus only ever made it to the Caribbean and South and Central America. 

Before that Viking explorer Leif Erikson had sailed to Greenland and Newfoundland in the 11th century


What valuable commodity did Columbus bring back to Spain from the Americas?

The people.

He brought 550 of them back as enslaved people after his first voyage—most of them died and the rest were sold—and his settlers brought more when they returned after his second voyage.

What was the reason for recent backlash over the holiday?

In recent decades, Native Americans and other groups have protested the celebration of an event that resulted in the colonization of the Americas, the beginnings of the transatlantic slave trade and the deaths of millions from murder and disease.


What was Columbus adamant about until the day he died? 

That despite evidence proving otherwise, he had landed in Asia, lands close to China and Japan


In what year did Columbus set sail?



How did the King and Queen of Spain thank Columbus for his new discovery?

They made him governor in the settlement of Santo Domingo. But he turned out to be a lousy governor. He and his brothers ruled the settlement like kings, taking most of the profits for themselves and antagonizing the other settlers. 

It got so bad that the Spanish crown sent an investigator, who took over as governor, arrested Columbus, and sent him back to Spain in chains. The new governor was far worse.


What disease did Columbus and his men bring to the old world?

Syphilis - killing close to 5 million Europeans 


Alternatively, what do some people celebrate instead on this day?

Indigenous People's Day, with some states and governments replacing Columbus Day for this one, or celebrating both 


What did Columbus do for a living before becoming an explorer? 

He operated a little mapmaking and bookselling shop with his brother Bartolomeo


What was the purpose of Columbus' journey?

He wanted to find a new route to India, China, Japan and the Spice Islands. Columbus knew that the world was round and realized that by sailing west, instead of east around the coast of Africa, he would still reach his destination


What animals did Columbus introduce to America?

Horses, pigs, chickens, goats, and cows  


What was one the biggest benefits of Columbus' settlements that still benefits the world today?

The food exchange.

He brought sugar cane and bananas to the New World because he immediately recognized the opportunity to grow tropical foods in the region. These plantations proliferated, supporting a growing import/export passageway between the old and the new. Potatoes grew better in the New World too, creating cheaper food options for Europe. Although the plantations have changed over the years, many of the cash crops are still being grown today supply, including one of the largest crops, corn/maize.

What group of people celebrate Columbus Day the most?

American Italians.

Columbus Day has evolved for many into a celebration of Italian-American heritage. Local groups host parades and street fairs featuring colorful costumes, music and Italian food.


Where is Columbus buried?

Columbus died in Spain in 1506, and his remains were kept there for a while before being sent to Santo Domingo in 1537. There they remained until 1795 when they were sent to Havana and in 1898 they supposedly went back to Spain. His true place of rest is unknown. 


How many voyages did Columbus make?

4 - and on his last voyage he was shipwrecked in Jamacia for 6 months with angry islanders who would not give him food. Knowing that a lunar eclipse was going to happen, Columbus told the islanders that his gods were angry for refusing him food. After the eclipse, the scared islanders gave Columbus plenty of food and begged for mercy  


When Columbus first met the indigenous people, he documented his impressions. What made him believe they would make good servants? 

"They willingly traded everything they owned … They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features …They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron …They would make fine servants … With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”


What were the transfer of ideas and goods between the old and new world called? 

The Columbian Exchange


Is Columbus Day celebrated anywhere else?


It is known as Dia de la Raza in most Spanish-speaking countries, which translates to “Day of the Race.” In Spain, the day is known as Dia de la Hispanidad or Fiesta Nacional. In the Bahamas, people celebrate it as Discovery Day.

