Who's the famous explorer known for kickstarting the "Columbian Exchange" when he sailed to the Americas in 1492?

Cristopher Columbus


What plant, brought from Africa, became a big money-maker in the Americas after it was introduced there? 

The crop introduced to the New World from Africa that became a major cash crop in the Americas is sugarcane.


Name one positive consequence of the Columbian Exchange.

- Enhanced agricultural diversity and productivity.

- Cross-cultural exchange leading to advancements.

- Economic growth through expanded trade networks.

- Enrichment of global culture and interconnectedness.


Why did Europeans want territory in the Americas during the Columbian Exchange?

  • Money: Europeans wanted to find gold, silver, and other valuable things to get rich.
  • Power: They wanted to control land in the Americas to be stronger and have more influence in the world.
  • Religion: Some Europeans wanted to spread Christianity to Native American people.
  • Competition: European countries competed with each other to have more land and resources in the Americas.
  • Better life: Some Europeans went to the Americas to escape problems like not having enough food or being poor.

Describe one way in which the Columbian Exchange affected the cultures of indigenous peoples.

- Introduction of new foods and agricultural practices

- Adoption of European technology and weaponry

- Spread of diseases leading to population decline

- Disruption of traditional trade networks and social structures


Name one of the major trade routes between the Old World and the New World during the Columbian Exchange. (hint: is one of your vocab words)

Transatlantic Slave Trade


What are two examples of animals that were introduced to the Americas during the Columbian Exchange?

Horses and cows


How did the introduction of new diseases impact the indigenous populations of the Americas?

The introduction of new diseases, like smallpox and measles, devastated indigenous populations in the Americas, leading to widespread illness, death, and societal disruption due to lack of immunity.


How did colonization impact the indigenous peoples' way of life?

- Loss of land and resources

- Disruption of communities

- Disease outbreaks

- Forced labor and exploitation

- Cultural assimilation

- Loss of sovereignty


How did the Columbian Exchange contribute to globalization?

The Columbian Exchange contributed to globalization by facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, people, and cultures between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.


Why were some places better than others for trading stuff during the Columbian Exchange?

Ports and harbors: Ideal for trade due to ease of access for ships.

Strategic positioning: Valuable for trade due to location along important routes or near key resources.

Access to resources: Attractive for trade because of abundant natural resources.

Cultural diversity: Beneficial for trade as diverse populations facilitate exchange of goods and ideas.


Why did people want to trade a lot during the Columbian Exchange?

People wanted to trade a lot during the Columbian Exchange because they were eager to get valuable things like gold, spices, and other goods from faraway places. Trading these items could make them rich and powerful


During the Columbian Exchange, people traded a lot to get special things like gold and spices from faraway places. This made them rich and helped different cultures share ideas and music. Like how Shakira sings in Spanish, sharing her Colombian roots and Latin American music with the world. Name 10 songs Shakira sings in Spanish. 

1. "La Tortura" 

2. "Suerte" 

3. Día de Enero

4. "Me Enamoré"

5. "Chantaje" 

6. Loba

7. Las de la intuición 


What food, introduced to Europe from the Americas during the Columbian Exchange, is still eaten a lot all around the world today?



What Spanish instrument made its way to the Americas during the Columbian Exchange, helping to create new kinds of music there?

The Guitar


How did the Columbian Exchange change life for people in Africa?

Transatlantic Slave Trade. This trade route, which formed part of the Columbian Exchange, involved the forced migration of millions of Africans to the Americas to work as enslaved laborers on plantations and in mines.


How does the Columbian Exchange continue to impact the foods we eat all over the world?

1. Introduction of staple foods like potatoes, tomatoes, and maize.

2. Diversification of cuisines through the exchange of culinary techniques.

3. Spread of spices and flavors globally.

4. Establishment of global trade networks for food distribution.


How might the history of colonization impact current power dynamics between nations?

1. Rich countries got richer by taking stuff from poorer countries.

2. Some countries are still messed up from when others took over.

3. Some places speak the language and do things like the countries that took them over.


How did the money gained from the Columbian Exchange affect European governments back then?

1. Got stronger: European governments became more powerful because they got lots of money from the exchange.

2. Fought more: They used the money to fight wars and take over more places.

3. Got richer: The money helped Europe's economy grow, making them even stronger.

4. Ruled more lands: They used the money to set up governments in the places they took over.


Can you talk about one important "Economic rule"  that affected how people traded things during the Columbian Exchange?

One economic principle that influenced trade during the Columbian Exchange is "supply and demand." Basically, when there's something people want, like spices or gold, and there's not a lot of it, it becomes very valuable. So, countries would trade to get these valuable things that they didn't have in their own countries.


If you could suddenly pop over from the Americas to the Old World to try their famous food, where would you go? What dish would you pick that uses ingredients from the Americas?

  1. Italy - Pizza with tomatoes (originally from the New World).
  2. Belgium- French Potatoes (potato).
  3. Turkey - Baklava with pistachios (introduced from the New World).
  4. Thailand - Stir-fried dishes with chili peppers (brought from the New World).

What was one important place (city) where a lot of trading happened during the Columbian Exchange in Europe? Why was it so important?

Seville, Lisbon, London, Antwerp


Where was Cristopher Columbus from? 



If you wanted to trade a popular electronic device with someone from another country today, what online platform might you use to facilitate this exchange?

eBay or Amazon 


What are three foods that people in Europe, Africa, or Asia (OLD WORLD), didn't know about until the Columbian Exchange brought them over from the Americas?

  1. Tomatoes
  2. Potatoes
  3. Corn (maize)
  4. Chocolate
  5. Peanuts
  6. Pineapple
  7. Vanilla
  8. Avocado
  9. Chili peppers
  10. Sweet potatoes
  11. Pumpkins
  12. Squash
  13. Papaya
  14. Cashews
  15. Lima beans