The Nature of Conflict
Talk Theory to Me
Cycles, Styles, & Scripts – Oh My!
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True or False: Conflict is necessary for relational growth.



This type of conflict theory is focused on explaining how conflict behaviors relate to people's internal cognitions.

Intrapersonal Conflict Theories


These types of issues are those which are related to material resources.

Tangible Issues


True or False: Listening is a passive process.



What is impression manegement (i.e., facework)?

The communicative ways that we maneuver interactions in order to preserve and restore our own and others' face.


This type of conflict occurs when parties manage their issues in a way that does harm to their relationship and leaves one or both parties unsatisfied with the outcome.

Destructive conflict


Why do social scientists use theories to study conflict?

Theories help us predict, explain, and describe people's behaviors as they relate to conflict.


What are the four dysfunctional conflict styles / cycles? Briefly describe each.

1. Avoidance
2. Accommodation
3. Competition
4. Passive-Aggression


Listening involves moving beyond the content of the speakers' message and focusing on the...

emotional undertones of what they are saying.


True or False: All interactions are potentially face threatening.



Name three of the five components of conflict.

1. Un/expressed problematic situation
2. Two interdependent parties
3. Perceived incompatible goals
4. Perceived goal interference
5. Perceived scarce resources


This theory assumes that people act as they do in conflict situations because of the inferences they make about others based on their behavior.

Attribution theory


Perspective-taking, vulnerability, emphasizing commonalities, and accepting responsibility for one's actions are all behaviors associated with this conflict management style.



Which type of listening involves suspending judgement and avoiding evaluations to allow the speaker to make sense of their experiences?

Active listening


What is the difference between positive and negative face?

Positive face – the part of us that wants others to like and respect us, and be seen as socially competent. 

Negative face – the part of us that longs for some independence, privacy, recognition for our contributions, and/or time alone. It is the need for others to honor our time.


This stage of the conflict process is when parties behave in ways that de/escalate the conflict.



According to relational dialectics theory, what are the three most common dialectics (contradictions) that people must manage in their relationships?

Autonomy vs. Connection
Openness vs. Privacy
Predictability vs. Sponteneity


What are scripts and how do they relate to conflict management?

Scripts are routinized patterns of behaviors, interactions, and events that we perform with little deviation over time. Since conflict is a cyclical and repeating process, we often develop scripts for handling conflicts.


Informational listening is important in conflict because...

it helps to clarify the root of the issue; reduce misunderstanding by checking in on interpretation; and identify common ground necessary for collaboration


Name and describe the three types of facework.

Preventative facework – used to proactively circumvent face threats

Corrective facework – repairs damage that occurs due to face threats

Supportive facework – reinforces the way another is presenting themselves


This type of conflict describes when one or more party perceives there to be a tense or problematic situation but it remains unexpressed.

Latent conflict


The current outcomes of Alex's relationship with his partner, Sam, are less than his comparison level. When Alex considers how happy he would be in another relationship, he perceives that he'd have more favorable outcomes than he currently does with Sam. Which of the following best describes his relationship:

A. Satisfying, stable relationship
B. Unsatisfying, stable relationship
C. Satisfying, unstable relationship
D. Unsatisfying, unstable relationship

D. Unsatisfying, unstable relationship


This phenomenon occurs when one person's behaviors intensify the behaviors of another person, often in competitive conflict management cycles.

Symmetrical schismogenesis


During a heated argument about the division of household chores, Jill expresses her frustration with Jack's lack of contribution. As Jill lists specific tasks she feels overwhelmed by, Jack is thinking of potential responses he can say to counter her argument. Once Jill is done speaking, he immediately says: "But I always take out the trash and do the dishes. You're just exaggerating." What type of poor listening behavior is demonstrated in this scenario?

The rebuttal tendency


What is politeness? List the four politeness strategies in order from least to most polite.

Politeness – a system of strategies people use when people are trying to reach a goal without threatening another persons face.

1. Bald on-record

2. Positive politeness

3. Negative politeness

4. Off-record (indirect)
