The work cannot be __________________
Through the ____________________ I can gain a witness of the Book of Mormon
holy ghost
How many witnesses were there?
Who was Joseph compared to in the scriptures?
2 nephi 3:6-24
Joseph sincerely repented, he was still ____________
Who wanted more evidence that the gold plates were real?
Martin and his wife Lucy
How will the witnesses know that these things are true?
from heaven he will declare it unto them
Who appeared to Joseph Smith?
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
God doth not walk in __________ paths.
How will God let you know the truth?
through the manifestation of the spirit
God says he will give them something that they may behold and view these things as they are. What does he give them?
How long did it take to translate the BOM?
60-90 days
God is ______________
God says if you do this he will grant unto you that which you desire.
bow down in mighty prayer with faith
Besides Joseph and the 3 witnesses who does God show things to?
no one
Urim and Thummin
he would have extended his arm and supported you against the ___________________
What are some other ways to gain a testimony?
Who are the 3 witnesses?
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris)
What was the number 1 mighty work that Joseph brought to the world?
The restoration of the gospel