Why did God take away his ability to translate the Book Of Mormon for a time? (D&C 3:14-15)
Joseph ignored Gods counsel
Who was the friend that Joseph Smith trusted, but who later lost the 116 manuscript pages of the Book of Mormon?
Martin Harris
HoWhat does someone need to serve in God's kingdom? (D&C 4:3)
What did the Lord say would happen if the gold plates were displayed for the world to see? (D&C 5:7)
The world would not believe even if they saw the plates.
Who was the first person to receive the revelation found in Doctrine and Covenants 4?
Joseph Smith Sr.
According to Doctrine and Covenants 4:2, what should one do to participate in God’s work?
Serve with all your heart, might, mind, and strength.
What did the Lord say would happen to Joseph if he became more concerned with his own desires than with God’s will? (D&C 3:4)
He must fall.
Why did Martin Harris ask Joseph Smith for additional evidence that the gold plates were real? (D&C 5)
His wife Lucy filed a claim that Joseph was deceiving people about the plates.
What tool does verses 4 compare to serving in God’s work?
A sickle, which helps harvest
The Lord tells Joseph that if he repents, he is still chosen. What does this show about God’s nature? (D&C 3:10)
God is merciful and offers redemption.
What does God ask of Martin Harris in order to see the Plates?
D&C 5:24
According to Doctrine and Covenants 4, what is the "field" that the Lord calls us to work in?
The world—specifically the world of souls who need the gospel.
What did Joseph Smith learn about his role, even when he made mistakes, through the Lord’s correction and encouragement?
That he could be forgiven and still chosen to do God’s work. (D&C 3:10)
According to Doctrine and Covenants 5:11-15, who was allowed to be a witness of the gold plates?
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.
What principle is taught in D&C 5:7 about the words in the Book of Mormon?
They are God's words, and they are more powerful than proof.