This man, a scribe for Joseph Smith, received a revelation confirming the truth of his writings.
Who is Oliver Cowdery?
The Lord warns against contending against any church except this one.
What is the church of the devil?
The place he was born
what is New York?
Jesus Christ suffered death so that all men might do this
What is repent?
The origin and meaning of the phrase the alpha and omega
What is Greek, and the beginning and the end?
According to this revelation, the world is described as “ripening” in this.
What is inequity?
Christ refers to himself as this
What is the alpha and omega?
These two books were buried with him
What is the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants?
Christ tells His servants to focus their message on these three fundamental gospel principles.
What are "repentance, faith in Christ, and remission of sins through baptism and the Holy Ghost"?
The attitude missionaries should have when preaching, portrayed through this joyful exclamation.
What is "Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed be the name of the Lord God"?
According to the revelation, the worth of this is great in the sight of God
What is a soul?
Christ’s suffering was so intense that it caused this rare physical reaction
What is bleeding from every pore
He sold over half his farm for 3k to afford this number of copies of the Book of Mormon
What is 5,000 copies?
This was given at Fayette, NY, in June 1829
What is the revelation about the calling of twelve apostles in these last days and the rebuilding of the Church?
These are Christ's chief's apostles
Who are Peter, James, and John?
this verse calls us to cry in repentance
What is verse 14?
Christ warns that those who do not repent will not receive these two things.
What is salvation and the blessings of the Father?
The publisher he paid to print the Book of Mormon
Who is Edbert Grandon?
Martin failed to see this aspect about the Book of Mormon
What is the Book of Mormon wasn't just for the people of Palmyra, it was for the entire world?
$3000 in 1829 is this amount in todays money
what is $101,808.06? (closest number without going over wins)
the year stated in DC 18
what is 1829?
Christ compares Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer’s calling to that of this New Testament Apostle.
Who is Paul?
The commandment given to him in D&C 19:26
what is selling his property to fund the printing?
The two reasons why Martin's anxiety spiked
What is the dream of a big dog and the people of Palmyra refusing to buy the Book of Mormon?
D&C 19:6-7 clarifies what is meant by endless torment
What is God's punishment, named after Him because He is Endless?