Fill in the blank for the following scripture, D&C 18:10:
Remember the worth of souls is ______ in the sight of God;
A) small
B) great
C) weird
B) great
Fill in the blank from the song “Search, Ponder and Pray”:
I love to read the ______ scriptures, and every time I do…Holy
Who was the prophet that restored the gospel to the earth in the early 1800’s?
Joseph Smith
Question for the Sunbeams/CTR 5’s:
We can pray to Heavenly Father when we have questions or concerns, just like Joseph Smith. What are some things you can pray for?
Question for the Sunbeams/CTR 5’s:
In D&C 42:2 it reads:2 Again I say unto you, hearken and hear and obey the law which I shall give unto you.
Do you remember a time where you obeyed your parents or church leaders? What did you choose to do, and how did it make you feel?
Give the song title for the lyrics below:
“Pray, he is there; speak, he is listening.”
A Child’s Prayer
How old was Joseph Smith when he went into the woods to pray about which church to join?
A) 14 yrs
B) 8 yrs
C) 50 yrs
A) 14 yrs
Sing the first verse of “Give, Said the Little Stream” pg. 236
Great job!
Fill in the blank for D&C 50:24
24 That which is of God is ______; and he that receiveth ______, and continueth in God, receiveth more _______; and that _______ groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
(Hint: All four blanks are the same word! What do things like the sun or a lamp ‘give off’ or ‘radiate?’)
Fill in the blanks from the song, “He Sent His Son”:
He sent his Son to ______ for us, and _______ with living breath.
die, rise
What two personages did Joseph Smith see during the First Vision?
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
In addition to translating the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith was also commanded to translate parts of the:
A) Declaration of Independence
B) Bible
C) Bill of Rights
B) Bible
Which Article of Faith talks about the ‘literal gathering of Israel,’ and the ‘restoration of the ten tribes?’
Article of Faith #10
Give the song title for the following lyrics:
“I keep records of my loved ones on my own family tree.”
Family History—I Am Doing It
3 years after the First Vision, Joseph Smith was visited by which angel?
A) Moroni
B) Hezekiah
C) Gabriel
A) Moroni
In the spring of 1829, who volunteered to be Joseph Smith’s scribe as he continued to translate the Book of Mormon?
A) Oliver Cowdery
B) Russel M. Nelson
C) Henry B. Eyring
A) Oliver Cowdery
Recite the sixth Article of Faith:
6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
What is Sister Snarr’s favorite Primary song?
A) Follow the ProphetB) I Want to Be a Missionary Now
C) My Heavenly Father Loves Me
C) My Heavenly Father Loves Me
What is the name of the Hill where Joseph Smith was directed to find the gold plates?
Hill Cumorah
Fill in the blank:
The Articles of Faith were written in 1842 by ______ _______ in response to a request from John Wentworth, a Chicago newspaper editor who wanted information concerning the history and beliefs of the Church.
Joseph Smith