This type of comedy involves exaggerated movements and actions rather than dialogue.
What is physical comedy?
This 1994 movie follows two dimwitted friends on a cross-country adventure.
What is Dumb & Dumber?
This type of humor relies on cleverly crafted sentences or puns.
What is wordplay?
This comedy movie revolves around two immature adults forced to live together as stepbrothers.
What is Step Brothers?
This type of irony occurs when the opposite of what is expected happens in a humorous way.
What is situational irony?
The characters in Dumb & Dumber are named this.
Who are Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne?
Comedy movies often feature these types of characters, who stand out due to their eccentricity.
What are unique characters?
In Step Brothers, the main characters struggle with this common family dynamic.
What is sibling rivalry?
Well-executed jokes often depend on this, which controls the pacing and delivery of humor.
What is timed humor?
Both Dumb & Dumber and Step Brothers fit into the comedy genre because they emphasize this.
What is humor?