Who said?
Success Criteria
Propelled into Action
Back in the day...
Shakespeare's day
The Decision Makers
Who is Antipholus of Syracuse describing? 'a hungry, lean-faced villain, A mere anatomy, a mountebank, A threadbare juggler, and a fortune teller, A needy, hollow-eted, sharp- looking wretch, A living dead man.'
Dr Pinch
List 2 crucial element of your essay's introduction.
1)What you saw, where and when you saw it 2) State whether you agree or disagree
Name 3 instruments used to mimic the cartoon violence in Propeller's production.
A glockenspiel, cowbells, cymbals, slapsticks, trumpets.
The date the Comedy of Errors was first performed
what is 28th December 1594
The man who directed and made all of the major decisions regarding Propeller's production.
Who is Edward Hall
Who is Dromio of Syracuse describing? 'I warrant her rags and the tallow in them will burn a Poland winter. If she lives til doomsday, she'll burn a week longer than the whole world.'
The Kitchen maid, Nell.
Should you use the actors' names or the characters' names in your answer?
TRICK QUESTION! Both...It depends whether you are talking about Shakespeare's play or Propeller's production...YOU MUST BE CLEAR!
Name 2 pieces of music used by Propeller.
The girl from Ipanema, Bossa Dorado, Deve Ser Amor, The Mexican Hat song, When the Saints go Marching in, Conga, That's the Way (I like it), Gold, I want my MTV, Commodities to buy.
Gray's Inn
What is the venue of the original production of The Comedy of Errors
he said 'it's far better to give the audience only part of the complete female image so that the audience can fill in the rest.'
Who is Michael Pavelka
Who said: 'Plead you to me fair dame? I know you not. in Ephesus I am but two hours old.'
Antipholus of Syracuse
What should you always consider in Unit C?
This is what we saw, This is how it might have been... and here is my evidence in support
How many blackouts did Propeller use in their production?
Trick question! None. BONUS POINT if...you can offer an explanation as to why.
Candlelight and daylight
What is the original lighting
What is the term for what the actors did when directly addressing the audience? Which practitioner pioneered this?
Breaking the fourth wall Brecht
Who is Dromio describing? "Master, is this Mistress Satan?...Nay, she is worse; she is the devil's dam, and here she comes in the habit of a light wench.'
The courtesan
How do you write about your role as an audience member?
informed and reflective. You were an active partipant
How many doors were used in Propeller's production and in the original? BONUS POINT:Why was this done?
There were 3 doors in each production. BONUS: Shakespeare may have used this three door layout because it was a traditional set in classical comedy.
What was 'thribbling'?
Improvisation. If actors didn't know their lines, or the audience was getting bored they would improvise to speed up the pace!
Who said: 'Runne all out, as fast as may be'
It's a stage direction in the play...probably written in by Shakespeare himself
Who is the messanger talking about? "Beaten the maids a row and bound the doctor, Whose beard they have singed off with brands of fire, and ever as it blazed, they threw on him Great pails of puddled mire to quench the hair."
Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus
Give at least five examples of analytical verbs to use in your essays.
introduces, emphasises, depicts, illustrates, creates, underpins, denotes, suggests, implies (there are more possible options!)
How did the set observe the unities of time and place?
There was the sound effect of a ticking clock throughout the production. It got louder as the 'day' went on. The set remained the same throughout Propeller's performance. Change in location was done through props, vocal cues and music.
How much time did Elizabethan actors have to rehearse each new play?
Actors sometimes performed as many as 6 different plays in a week, so they only had a few days to rehearse.
The play was directed, designed and written with specific actors in mind. Was this A) The original OR B) Propeller's production?
TRICK QUESTION! it was actually both. Shakespeare wrote plays for the Lord Chamberlein's men Propeller have a cast of actors they use in each show.