A local government agency sends out an emergency alert via text message to all residents in a city, warning them about an incoming storm. The message provides instructions on safety precautions but does not allow recipients to reply or ask questions.
This scenario represents the Transaction Model of communication.
True or False?
This scenario represents the Action Model of communication, which is a one-way transmission of information from a sender (government agency) to receivers (residents) without interaction or feedback.
During a job interview, Alex makes a great first impression but gives weaker answers later.
If Samantha still sees him as a strong candidate based on her first impression, which cognitive bias is influencing her?
A) The Recency Effect
B) The Fundamental Attribution Error
C) The Primacy Effect
D) The Self-Serving Bias
The Primacy Effect
During a political debate, James listens carefully to each candidate’s arguments. He analyzes their claims, fact-checks their statements, and considers whether their reasoning is logical and supported by evidence before deciding who to support.
Which type of listening is James engaging in?
A) Informational Listening
B) Critical Listening
C) Empathic Listening
D) Appreciative Listening
B) Critical Listening
At her surprise birthday party, Mia gasps, widens her eyes, and covers her mouth instinctively without thinking or planning her reaction.
Mia is displaying Spontaneous Communication.
True or False?
During a team-building exercise, Alex’s coworkers describe him as charismatic and a natural leader. However, Alex is surprised because he never thought of himself that way. This new insight helps him become more confident in leadership roles.
Which quadrant of the Johari Window does this scenario represent?
A) Open Self
B) Blind Self
C) Hidden Self
D) Unknown Self
B) Blind Self
A marketing company forms a new project team to develop an ad campaign for a client. During their first meeting, team members introduce themselves, discuss their strengths, and set goals for the project.
Which phase of the Four-Phase Model of Task Communication is the team currently in?
A) Storming
B) Norming
C) Performing
D) Forming
D) Forming
Dr. Martinez studies how prison inmates build relationships with correctional officers by spending six months in a facility, observing interactions, conducting interviews, and taking field notes.
Which research method is she using?
Qualitative research
Jordan aces their communication exam and credits their skill and hard work. But after failing statistics, they blame the test and professor.
Which psychological bias are they demonstrating?
Self-Serving Bias
Our successes are due to internal qualities, but our failures are due to situational factors.
During a lunch break, Jake and Olivia are having a conversation about their weekend plans. As Olivia starts sharing a story about her recent hiking trip, Jake interrupts and immediately starts talking about a similar but longer story about his own trip. Olivia tries to continue her point, but Jake keeps steering the conversation back to himself. Eventually, Olivia loses interest and stops engaging.
Which principle of better conversation is Jake violating?
A) Ask open questions
B) Stop matching or one-upping
C) Set aside your opinion for a moment
D) Keep your focus; Keep listening
Stop matching or one-upping
During a job interview, Mark answers a question confidently, but his tone of voice rises at the end of his sentence, making it sound like he’s unsure. The interviewer also notices that Mark speaks very quickly and sometimes lowers his volume when discussing his past job experience, making it hard to hear him.
Which nonverbal communication channel is influencing the way Mark’s message is perceived?
Sarah and Brian disagree on leading a client presentation. Brian claims more experience, while Sarah believes she has better rapport. To avoid conflict, Sarah lets Brian lead.
Which conflict-handling style is she using?
A) Avoiding
B) Accommodating
C) Competing
D) Collaborating
B) Accommodating
Mark and Olivia argue when he forgets their anniversary, but later they laugh, cook together, express appreciation, cuddle, and reminisce. Their positive moments outweigh the conflict, keeping their relationship strong.
Which principle explains this?
Gottman’s 5:1 Ratio
Emma and Jake are in a long-term relationship and have been arguing frequently. Emma believes that if they just keep talking about their issues nonstop, they will eventually resolve all their problems.
Which common communication myth is reflected in this scenario?
More communication is always better!
Communication will solve any problem
Everyone is a Communication Expert
Communication can break down
Communication is inherently good
More Communication is always better
While driving, Sarah gets cut off and thinks, "That driver is reckless!" Later, when she cuts someone off, she blames the situation, saying, "I was in a rush."
Which psychological bias is she demonstrating?
Fundamental Attribution Error
Others act a certain way because of “who they are.” We act a certain way because of “the situation.”
During a team meeting, Kevin presents a new project idea. His manager responds by saying, "That’s bold." Some team members interpret this as praise, meaning the idea is innovative and daring. Others take it as criticism, implying the idea is risky or reckless.
Which type of meaning is being applied to the word "bold" in this scenario?
A) Denotative Meaning
B) Connotative Meaning
C) Literal Meaning
D) Referential Meaning
B) Connotative
Emma meets her new professor for the first time and notices that he is well-dressed, friendly, and speaks confidently. Because of this, she immediately assumes that he is also highly intelligent, organized, and a great teacher, even though she hasn’t yet seen his teaching style or graded work.
Which cognitive bias is influencing Emma’s perception of her professor?
A) Fundamental Attribution Error
B) Self-Serving Bias
C) Halo Effect
D) Confirmation Bias
C) Halo Effect
On her first day at work, Rachel feels anxious, so she asks coworkers about their roles and company culture. As she gathers information, she feels more at ease.
Which communication theory best explains her behavior?
A) Social Exchange Theory
B) Uncertainty Reduction Theory
C) Expectancy Violation Theory
D) Cognitive Dissonance Theory
B) Uncertainty Reduction Theory
there is a need to gain information about other people through communication (reducing uncertainty) in order to be able to predict and explain the behavior of those individuals better.
Jake feels he puts more effort into the relationship than Lisa does. He supports her, plans dates, and makes sacrifices, but she rarely reciprocates, making him question if it's worth continuing.
Which theory explains his thought process?
A) Social Penetration Theory
B) Social Exchange Theory
C) Uncertainty Reduction Theory
D) Expectancy Violation Theory
B) Social Exchange Theory
People like to be in relationships where the benefits outweigh the costs.
A researcher develops a new survey to measure workplace satisfaction. However, after reviewing the survey questions, other experts point out that many of the items focus only on salary and benefits, ignoring important factors like work-life balance, job autonomy, and relationships with coworkers.
Which key research concept is most at risk in this scenario?
A) Reliability
B) Validity
C) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
D) Generalizability
B) Validity
Emma centers a product in an Instagram post, but her colleague suggests shifting it off-center using gridlines for better composition.
Which design principle is being used?
The Rule of Thirds
During a staff meeting, Emma hears a new policy but doesn’t fully focus. Later, she struggles to recall the details.
Which HURIER model component did she fail to engage in?
Jake receives a gift from his coworker that he doesn’t really like. However, instead of showing disappointment, he smiles widely and excitedly says, "Wow, this is great! Thank you so much!"
Which type of communication is Jake using in this situation?
Pseudospontaneous Communication
David is a manager at a company and is also a father to two young children. One evening, he has an important work meeting scheduled at the same time as his child’s school play. He feels torn because he is expected to be dedicated to his job but also wants to fulfill his responsibilities as a parent.
Which type of role conflict is David experiencing?
A) Expected Role Conflict
B) Enacted Role Conflict
C) Interrole Conflict
D) Intrarole Conflict
C) Interrole Conflict
two roles at the same time but contradictory outcomes; occurs when work responsibilities interfere with family and responsibilities
Samantha and Jason’s long friendship gradually turns into a romantic relationship built on trust, companionship, and commitment, rather than instant attraction.
Which love style best describes their relationship?
A) Eros
B) Ludus
C) Storge
D) Mania
C) Storge
During a job interview, Maria and the hiring manager engage in a conversation where they not only exchange words but also respond to each other’s body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions. The hiring manager nods and smiles when Maria gives a strong answer, making Maria feel more confident. At the same time, Maria notices when the hiring manager seems confused, prompting her to clarify her responses. Their conversation is influenced by factors such as their professional backgrounds, the setting of the interview, and their past experiences.
Which communication model best explains this interaction?
The Transaction Model
Samantha fails her driving test and starts analyzing why it happened.
Which three dimensions of attribution is Samantha considering?
Locus, Stability, and Controllability
Attributions vary along three dimensions:
Locus -- is the cause within us or outside of us? Stability -- is the cause consistent, permanent? Controllability -- is it something you could have managed or adjusted to?
During a job interview, a hiring manager tells a female candidate, "We need someone who can really man the front desk." The candidate notices that the phrase assumes a male presence, even though women frequently hold similar positions.
Which linguistic concept does this scenario best illustrate?
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
language shapes how we see the world; hypothesis of linguistic relativity, a principle suggesting that the structure of a language affects its speakers' worldview or cognition, and thus people's perceptions are relative to their spoken language.
When five-year-old Liam loses his favorite toy, he immediately starts crying and has a tantrum, unable to control his emotions. Years later, as an adult, Liam loses his wallet but instead of panicking, he takes a deep breath, thinks through his next steps, and calmly retraces his movements to find it.
Which theory best explains the difference in Liam’s emotional responses at different stages of his life?
Developmental Interactionist Theory
When Megan and Chris first meet, they talk about general topics like their favorite movies and the weather. As they become closer friends, they start sharing more personal details about their childhood, fears, and life goals. Over time, they also communicate more frequently, texting each other daily and having long conversations.
Which communication theory best explains the progression of Megan and Chris’s relationship?
Social Penetration Theory
breadth and depth
Ethan and Sarah meet at a mutual friend’s party and start talking about their shared love for hiking and travel. Over the next few weeks, they text frequently, go on dates, and learn more about each other’s values and interests. Eventually, they officially become a couple and introduce each other to their families.
Which relational development model best explains Ethan and Sarah’s progression?
A) Growing Closer Theory
B) Knapp & Vangelisti’s Stages of Relational Development
C) Social Penetration Theory
D) Expectancy Violation Theory
Knapp & Vangelisti’s Stages of Relational Development