You have a terrible day at work, you come home and pick a fight with your roommate. This is an example of a particular part of the communication iceberg.
What are Interacting Contexts and Levels?
These gestures have a direct verbal translation.
What are emblems?
These are rules for organizing words into sentences.
What is syntax?
Vocal cues that go along with and supplement verbal language.
What is paralanguage?
Someone who helps disseminate information to the public.
What is an Opinion Leader?
Using symbols and meanings to deal with an interpretation of reality, rather than a physical reality.
What is a Second Order Information-processing Event?
Sometimes the tone of our speech is different from the content. This assertion describes THIS type of relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication.
What is contradiction?
The taste of ocean salt water is a good example of this type of cue.
What is Gustatory?
These theories – based on systematic observation and testing – can help us to assess our personal theories more critically.
What are scholarly theories?
Our favorite “Soup or salad?” Tik Tok video can account for this fundamental communication anomaly.
What is MS≠MR?
A system of norms or knowledge shared by a large group of people.
What is Culture?
These nonverbal signals indicate a relationship between people.
What are tie-signs?
Vocalization, whistling, and vibrations are all means used by living things to produce this type of message.
What is Auditory?
Based on his research into communication among primates, Robin Dunbar argues that human language evolved out if this.
What is grooming?
Westley and MacLean suggested that communication does not begin with a source, but rather with these.
What is a series of signals or potential messages?
The invisible aspect of communication represented by the phrase “we cannot not communicate.”
What is inevitability?
"Time is Money" would be suitable to describe this culture in which staying on schedule/task is highly valued.
What is a monochronic culture?
Invertebrates primarily rely on this mode of communication.
What is Chemical/Olfactory?
The property of language that makes it possible to create an infinite number of messages.
What is Productivity?
Two unique aspects of human communication that distinguish people from animals.
What are syntax and productivity?
Self-consciousness and the ability to reflect on our experiences and how we come off to other people can be called this.
What is Self-reflexivity?
Rather than stare at two people making out on the dance floor, averting our eyes is an example of this Goffmanian concept.
What is civil inattention?
As a function of self-defense, this response activates the hormonal and muscular systems, readying the animal for maximum physical output.
What is Stress or Fight-or-Flight Response?
The intersubjective process of directing people towards and reconciling meanings with others.
What is Negotiation?
To tip someone off that their fly is open or they have food between their teeth without calling them out.
What is tactfulness?