When audiences allow intrusive state surveillance of their online activity of their own accord, it creates?
The Super Panopticon
Fans who create music or artwork about a media text are doing what?
Who theorized the panopticon?
A person or fan who creates media content beyond an original media text is called:
Foucault's theory of the panopticon was based what type of building?
A prison
The Super Bowl would best be described as a:
Media Event
If you write a fan fiction story where you alter the emotional/relational connections between characters in a canon, it's called what?
Slash Writing
Who theorized lateral-surveillance?
According to Lainer, the use of advertising as a business model for the internet has produced:
Behavior Modification Empires
What is the name for the agreement made between companies and users in order to post content to web applications?
End Use License Agreement
When a media text takes multiple liberties with its canon, often re-writing and re-framing previous aspects of a media narrative, this is called:
Narrative Fluidity
Taking a trip to Hobbiton would be a kind of:
Media Pilgrimage
Who theorizes participatory fan culture?
Making your relationship official on social media would best be described as:
An (Inter)personal Media Ritual
The ability of media content to be displayed on a number of different devices is called:
When a fan takes part of a text and pairs it with other cultural material to create a new text, deCerteau would call this practice:
Textual Poaching
A group of fans who agree upon a negotiated set of rules regarding a particular fandom is called what?
Who theorized how fans participate in media events?
Dayan & Katz
Video games where there are many choices as to how to play the game, whether or not intended by the creators, have high levels of what?
Digital Affordances
A movie trailer would be best defined as what type of media?
What was the term used in the Firefly documentary to describe the fan organization and distribution of publicity on the Internet to try to get the show re-instated?
Gureilla Marketing
Who theorized time space distanciation?
What are the four tenets of big data that make it conducive for audience analysis?
•Exhaustive in scope
Name 3 of the 5 categories of audience research that should drive new audience scholarship into 2030?
•Critical literacies for intrusive, individualized and connected technological experiences.
•Political aspects of audiences’ reactions to intrusive technologies and modes of resistance.
•Renew reading, viewing, listening and interpreting media as central to audiences
•Investigate commercial interests in audiences’ attention, data and productive work.
•Engage diverse, global contexts that produce localized experiences of media