Where does the comma go in this sentence:
After the long journey we finally reached the campsite.
Where should the comma go?
I wanted to stay home but I went to the party anyway.
Before BUT
Correct the sentence:
My brother who lives in Texas is visiting next week.
My brother, who lives in Texas, is visiting next week.
Where is the missing comma in this sentence?
I packed apples bananas oranges and grapes for lunch.
Commas should go after the following words:
apples, bananas, oranges
Correct the sentence:
The tall strong athlete won the race.
Comma after TALL
Although it was raining we decided to go for a hike.
Where does the comma go?
He was tired yet he still finished his project.
Comma after TIRED
Identify the nonessential information in this sentence:
The author, Maya Angelou, wrote many inspiring books.
"Maya Angelou" is not essential because it renames "the author."
Correct the sentence if necessary:
I like soccer, baseball and basketball
Add a comma after baseball
Why is there a comma here?
The soft, fluffy blanket was on the bed.
The comma can be replaced by the word AND
What is the rule for using a comma with this sentence:
However, we must wait for everyone to arrive.
A comma follows a transition word/introductory adverb when it starts the sentence.
Explain the comma rule in this sentence:
She studied hard, and she passed the test.
Commas are used before FANBOYS (coordinating conjunctions) joining independent clauses
Correct the sentence:
The painting that is in the museum was stolen last night.
Correct the sentence:
The team wore blue red yellow and green uniforms
The team wore blue, red, yellow, and green uniforms.
Is a comma necessary in this sentence?
The bright yellow dress was stunning.
No comma is needed because BRIGHT describes the color YELLOW
Where does the comma go?
In the middle of the forest we found a hidden path.
Is this sentence correct? Why or why not?
I tried but failed the exam.
No comma is needed because the second clause is not independent.
Why are commas necessary in this sentence:
My best friend, Sarah, is coming to the concert.
Sarah is nonessential information because it gives extra clarification.
What is an Oxford comma?
The Oxford comma is the final comma in a list before the AND.
Correct the sentence:
It was a dark stormy night.
Place a comma after DARK
1. Why is a comma required after introductory prepositional phrases?
2. Give an example
To clarify the sentence and prevent misunderstandings.
Before the meeting, please review the agenda.
Identify the error and explain:
He was happy, and relaxed after the exam.
"relaxed after the exam" is not an independent clause so it does not use a comma before the AND
The new CEO who has a background in technology is planning to implement major changes in within the company.
Place a comma after CEO and TECHNOLOGY
Why is the Oxford comma important in this sentence:
I invited my parents Jane and Alex.
Bonus: explain the meaning with the Oxford comma and without it.
Without the comma, the sentence would imply MY PARENTS are named Jane and Alex.
How do you know whether a set of adjectives needs a comma?
If you can reverse the adjectives or add AND between them, they need a comma.