On January 28, 2025, students in room 40 will be taking a comma quiz.
On January 28, 2025, students in room 40 will be taking a comma quiz.
We go to school at 4925 E Ingram Street Mesa Arizona.
We go to school at 4925 E. Ingram Street, Mesa, Arizona.
Ms. Jenny can’t wait to see the results of the quiz so she can see who understood the material.
Ms. Jenny can’t wait to see the results of the quiz, so she can see who understood the material.
The first Star Wars movie came out May 25 1977.
The first Star Wars movie came out May 25, 1977.
Young sassy Maya likes to get her hair done talk on the phone and visit Chicago.
Young, sassy Maya likes to get her hair done, talk on the phone(,) and visit Chicago.
Students who knew the correct answers to the practice activities were rewarded with candy and Jolly Ranchers because they were so smart.
Smart conscientious students stay focused at all times.
Smart, conscientious students stay focused at all times.
The chipmunk and snake by the way were not very nice so they ignored the skunk.
The chipmunk and snake, by the way, were not very nice, so they ignored the skunk.
The hot humid classroom did not make learning very easy some days so some students may have tuned out at times.
The hot, humid classroom did not make learning very easy some days, so some students may have tuned out at times.
The Four Corners is located on the border between Arizona Utah Colorado and New Mexico.
The Four Corners is located on the border between Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico.
Instead of listening to Mrs. Paige they might have been thinking about their upcoming recess the fight they had with their friend or what they planned to do after school.
Instead of listening to Mrs. Paige, they might have been thinking about their upcoming recess, the fight they had with their friend, or what they planned to do after school.
The forest was owned by Roger Waterson.