In one of the most popular Dr. Seuss books, what won't Sam-I-Am eat?
Green eggs and Ham
What is a freshman at a military or naval academy called?
A plebe
How long is 1 term for a state representative?
2 years
Why was TikTok supposed to be banned?
U.S officials had concerns for national security
What was the first animal to ever be cloned?
A sheep
What U.S. state grows coffee beans?
When is the Marine Corps birthday?
November 10th, 1775
What does CNSTC stand for?
Commander of Naval Service Training Command
What is the cause of the recent egg shortage?
The Bird Flu
When was McDonalds Founded
May 15, 1940
At a restaurant, you’ll see deer meat on the menu under what name?
Which branch of the U.S. armed forces used the slogan, “It’s not just a job, it’s an adventure”?
The Navy
What U.S. woman was appointed as the first woman Speaker of the House?
Nancy Pelosi
Which airline's plane flipped upside-down on a Toronto airport?
Delta Airlines
What is a group of flamingos called?
A flamboyance
What year was Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” released?
What does ASVAB stand for?
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Who is the Area 4 manager?
Lieutenant Commander Kevin R. Wilson
What countries did the POTUS put tarrifs on?
Canada, Mexico, and China
Why does Disney use fake American flags in their parks?
So they do not have to follow proper flag procedures. (Take the flag down or shine a light on top)
What alcoholic beverage is made from juniper berries?
Who is known as the "Father of the Navy"?
John Paul Jones
Who reports directly to the CNO?
Fleet commanders and various Navy command leaders
How many acres of land burned in the palisades wildfire in 2025?
Over 57,000 acres
What country has the Unicorn as their national animal?