7th commandment
8th commandment
9th commandment
10th commandment
Greatest commandment

State the 7th commandment

Do not steal


State the 8th commandment

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor


State the 9th commandment

You shall not covet your neighbor's wife


State the 10th commandment

You shall not covet your neighbor's goods


What is the substance or core of the commandments

it is love; Love of God and love of our brethren


What is the difference between public wealth and personal wealth?

Public wealth is common to all and all have right to it. Private wealth is one a person make on his own and has the right to use


We are bound to be honest, Why?

God is the fullness of truth and those who receive and live in Jesus are bound to be honest.


What is the indivisibility of marriage?

In marriage, God binds man and woman and they become one in Jesus and it cannot be broken. This is the indivisibility of marriage.


What is Greed and how is it the root cause of violation against 10th commandment?

Greed is an excessive desire to own money, power or position beyond one's abilities and needs.greed is the reason that leads to cheating, stealing, robbery, etc and becomes the root cause of violation of the 10th commandment.


What is the climax of love that Jesus revealed to us

The climax of love is the love of the enemy


what is Justice according to St.Thomas Aquinas?

Justice is the virtue that persuades a person to give each one his due.


How is telling lies a violation of rights?

Man has the right to get correct knowledge and telling lies is violating this right.


Who suffer the evil consequences of divorce most and why?

It is the children who suffer the evil effects of divorce because they lose the protection and love which they should get from their parents.


What is evangelical poverty

It is the mode of life with trust in God's providence.


What must we do to experience heaven here, on earth?

We must be able to grow and persevere in love. If we can love like Jesus, we will be able to experience heaven here, on earth


what is stealing and how is it a violation of rights?

Stealing is taking the property of another person.it is a violation against the right of others to possess their own personal wealth


what is the difference between calumny and denigration?

Calumny is spreading false news to cause quarrel or enmity between 2 persons  

Denigration is spreading false things about a person which has a secret nature.


What is the type of relationship pointed out in the Old Testament and the New Testament to compare marital relation?

In the old Testament marital relation is compared to the relationship between God and Israel and in the New Testament, it is compared to the relation between Jesus and Church


explain thrift and generosity

Thrift is the action of a person who spends only money that is necessary for life and gives the rest to other's welfare.

Generosity is a virtue that enables us to help the poor and contribute to the eradication of poverty.


How many deeds of mercy are there? List any 3 of them

there are 14 deeds of mercy.Feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, Give shelter to the homeless, visit the sick and prisoners


Give 5 violations against the 7th commandment

exploiting natural resources, polluting atmosphere,

Bribery, copying in the exam, usuring, black market, misuse of authority, denial of just wages to workers, showing partiality


List ant 5 violations against the 8th commandment

Denigration. calumny, Lie, revealing a secret, defaming persons, Copying in the exam, Flattery


What are the reasons for Broken family relationships

Unfaithfulness, Giving more importance to wealth, beauty, etc than love, lack of respect and love for each other


What are five virtues that help to conquer Greed

Spirit of Poverty, Thrift, Generosity, the attitude of Satisfaction, Protection of nature


List any five features of Love of Jesus

It is love without selfishness, without conditions, love that forgives his enemies, sacrificial love and love that commits himself for the service of others.
