Commas and Conjunctions
Commas and Introductory Phrases
Commas in a List
Commas and Quotation Marks

You can type your paper or you can write your paper.

What is Paper

You can type your paper, or you can write your paper.


After I went to the store I came home and made pizza.

What is Store

After I went to the store, I came home and made pizza.


Miss Roth likes to teach reading math, and writing.

What is Reading

Miss Roth likes to teach reading, math, and writing.

"I want to eat cake" said George.

What is Cake

"I want to eat cake," said George.


I like bananas so I eat them all the time.

What is Bananas

I like bananas, so I eat them all the time.


If you give a moose a muffin he will want some milk.

What is Muffin

If you give a moose a muffin, he will want some milk.


Be sure to bring your tent, water bottle and sleeping bag when we go camping.

What is Bottle

Be sure to bring your tent, water bottle, and sleeping bag when we go camping.


She screamed "No homework!"

What is Screamed

She screamed, "No homework!"


I love red pandas a lot so I went to the zoo to see them.

What is Lot

I love red pandas a lot, so I went to the zoo to see them.


When you are part of a team everything is cool.

What is Team

When you are part of a team, everything is cool.


He ate green beans broccoli and peas.

What is Beans and Broccoli

He ate green beans, broccoli, and peas.


Miss Roth looked at her class and said "Good luck on your quiz".

What is Said

Miss Roth looked at her class and said, "Good luck on your quiz".


My students play Among Us and they also play Roblox.

What is Us

My students play Among Us, and they also play Roblox.


After I eat my breakfast and brush my teeth I go to school.

What is Teeth

After I eat my breakfast and brush my teeth, I go to school.


She wanted to play soccer baseball and hockey.

What is Soccer and Baseball

She wanted to play soccer, baseball, and hockey.


"Let's go to the park today" her little brother said.

What is Today

"Let's go to the park today," her little brother said.


You can go play outside but you should put on your coat first.

What is Outside

You can go play outside, but you should put on your coat first.


After you eat your dinner you can go outside.

What is Dinner

After you eat dinner, you can go outside.


I don't know if I should watch TV read a book or take a nap.

What is TV and Book

I don't know if I should watch TV, read a book, or take a nap.


"Math is our favorite. We love long division" shouted Miss Roth's class.

What is Division

"Math is our favorite. We love long division," shouted Miss Roth's class.
