What are the three stages of a thunderstorm?
1. Cumulus (developing)
2. Mature
3. Dissipating
What kind of engine do we have?
Class B requirements: (weather, equipment, pilot)
3SM clear of clouds, two way communication, clearance to enter, Mode C transponder and ADS-B out, private pilot certificate
Required equipment (VFR and IFR)
What is this? I'll show you on my phone...not paying for premium Jeopardy
Marker beacon antenna, receives ILS marker beacons
1022.8 hPa is higher or lower pressure than normal?
Alternator is measured in amps or volts? How many amps or volts?
70 amps
Can you fly through a restricted area?
Not without permission from controlling agency
Name a few of the 119 exemptions
ZHU is short for...
Houston Center
Describe an altostratus cloud
Stratus cloud (thin, mostly solid layer of cloud, little vertical development) at the "alto" altitude (middle altitude ~7,000 - 20,000 feet
On a constant speed prop, what happens to oil and blade angle when the prop is over-sped (RPM is higher than selected RPM)
Flighweights expand due to centrifugal force, pitot valve is raised, oil is forced out of the system, and blade angle is increased to a higher angle of attack and a decrease in RPM
What is the speed limits under and inside a bravo?
250 knots inside, 200 knots under
Inop equipment, flow as follows
MEL, KOEL, AFM/POH, 91.205, AD's, TCDS
How many flight attendants are required for a plane with 162 pax?
4 (above 20 people, 1 is required for every 50, but always round up)
Causes the air to cool rapidly, in turn causes massive downdrafts
What kind of ailerons do we have and what is their function?
Frise type ailerons, small paddle is forced down when the aileron is pushed up, creates drag to offset adverse yaw
Where is ADS-B out required?
Class A, B, C
Mode C vail
Within lateral boundaries of Class B and C
Class E airspace above 10,000 feet msl, excluding below 2,500 feet agl
Part 135 covers commercial operations with ____ or less seats and a payload capacity of less than ____ pounds.
What are the three types of decompression?
Gradual, rapid, explosive
Decode this NOTAM: KORD Runway 27L FICON 3/3/5
Braking/directional control for first 2 thirds of the runway are medium and good for last third
What are the electrical busses?
What are the vertical limits of RVSM airspace?
Altimeter system and altitude reporting equipment test and inspection is 14 CFR 91.____
What is the purpose of a dihedral?
Increases stability, when a wing is rolled to one side, there is a slight slip to that side, causes a change in the relative wind, forcing the wings back to level