"Break me off a piece of that.."
What is "Kit Kat Bar"?
What is "Auto Parts"?
"I am stuck on Band-Aid brands 'cause..."
What is "Band Aid's stuck on me"?
Double Jeopardy ~ Listen to the Insurance Tune
What is "Farmer's Insurance"?
"I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back,...."
What are "baby back ribs"
"That's why I love...."
What is "Nestle Crunch"?
"Keyes, Keyes, Keyes, Keyes on...."
What is "Van Nuys"?
"I'm a Big Kid..."
What is "Now"?
"Nationwide is on...."
What is "on your side"?
"Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah,...."
What is "I'm Loving It"?
"What would you do, for a...."
What is "Klondike Bar"?
"Get in the zone..."
What is "Auto Zone"?
Double Jeopardy ~ two commercials that begin with a phone number.
"1 877 Kars....."
What is "Kars for Kids" and "Empire"?
"Liberty, Liberty, Liberty,...."
What is "Liberty"?
"Only at...."
What is "Taco Bell"?
"The Best Part of Waking Up is...."
What is "Folgers in your cup"?
"605 on South Street, Cerritos..."
What is "Auto Square"?
"Fanta, Fanta, don't you want to...."
What is "Fanta Fanta"?
"In 15 min or less you can save 15% or more..."
What is "on your car insurance"?
Double Jeopardy ~ Listen to the Food Delivery Jingle
What is "Grub Hub"?
"Snap, Crackle, Pop,...."
What is "Rice Krispies"?
Double Jeopardy ~ Listen to the tool store sound
What is "Home Depot"?
"Every kiss begins with..."
What is "Kay"?
"Like a good neighbor...."
What is "State Farm is there"?
"If it doesn't get all over the place...."
What is "doesn't belong in your face"?