Common or Proper Noun ? Mrs. Alia
What is the proper noun in this sentence... Mrs. Stella loves to shop.
What is Mrs. Stella
What is the common noun in this sentence? Elias loves to go to the mall.
What is mall
What is the proper noun in this sentence? My favorite store to shop in is Toys-R-Us.
What is Toys-R-Us
What is the common noun in this sentence? The cat is brown.
What is cat
What is the proper noun in this sentence? Ashia loves to eat chocolate.
What is Aisha
What is the common noun in this sentence? I love to watch football.
What is football
Common or Proper? Edison Global Academy
What is Proper
What is the proper noun in this sentence? Bingo is the best dog ever!
What is Bingo
What is the common noun in this sentence? The school is red and tall.
What is school
Common or Proper? McDonalds
What is Proper
What is the proper noun in this sentence? My favorite King is Sheikh Tamim.
What is Sheikh Tamim.
What is the common noun in this sentence? Could you please bring me my water bottle?
What is watter bottle