6.2B - Context Clues
6.5F - Inferences
6.6D Summarizing
6.7B, 6.7C & Other Info
Literary Terms

What does the word tore mean in paragraph 5?

a. to put together

b. to destroy 

c. a puzzle

d. to rearrange

What is b. to destroy


How can the reader tell the jersey was special to Juan?

a. He wore it all the time, he ate, played and slept in it.

b. He took it off for dinner.

c. It was a football jersey.

d. Juan knew something was wrong.

What is A. He wore it all the time, he ate, played and slept in it.


What is the purpose of the B.M.E method?

What is (teacher will determine if the scholar has given the correct response)


Who is the main character in the selection and what conflict are they experiencing?

What is, Juan and his favorite jersey disappeared.


How do you make a good inference?

(_____ + _____ = inference)

What is you combine your prior knowledge (schema) with text clues to make a educated and logical guess!


What is the meaning of the word identical in paragraph 7?

a. to be different

b. to cause trouble

c. same birthday

d. similar in detail

What is d. similar in detail.


How can the reader tell that Juan's family cared a lot about him?

a. Rosa said with a smile.

b. "I'm sure it will turn up, Juan" his mom said.

c. Dry cleaned his jersey and surprised him on his birthday.

d. Help him look for the jersey in his room.

What is c. Dry cleaned his jersey and surprised him on his birthday.


Which detail would be most important to include in a summary of this passage?

a. Juan's mom said it would show up.

b. Juan's jersey disappeared.

c. Football is Juan's favorite sport.

d. He changed into nice clothes for dinner.

What is b. Juan's jersey disappeared.


When context clues fail to help you understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word, what can you do?

What is use a dictionary and infer which dictionary entry best matches the way the word is being used within the text.

(Students answers may vary slightly.)


1. What is a text connection? 

2. What are the three types of text connection?

3. Make a text connection to your close read.

1. What is when you find a way to connect to the text.

2. What is text to self, text to world, and text to text.

3. What is...(teacher will decide if the answer is correct).


What words from paragraph 13 would help the reader figure out the meaning of exclaimed?

a. looked brand new

b. "My jersey!"

c. hugged each of his parents

d. hanging in the corner

What is b. "My jersey!".


What can the reader infer about Juan based on paragraphs 1-4?

a. He likes football more than any other sport.

b. He is often careless and forgetful with his things.

c. He suspects his sister did something with his jersey.

d. He is upset when he does not have his jersey.

What is a. He likes football more than any other sport.


What is the best summary of paragraphs 1-4?

a. Juan asked his mom where his jersey was.

b. Juan loved his jersey so much he wore it all the time.

c. Juan's favorite jersey went missing and he couldn't find it anywhere.

d. Juan's dad bought him a jersey that was to big.

What is c. Juan's favorite jersey went missing and he couldn't find it anywhere.



What can the reader tell about Juan, based on his internal response of feeling sad and frustrated about his problem?

a. Juan's jersey is sentimental to him.

b. Juan is disappointed because his parents couldn't help him find his jersey.

c. He wanted to ask his parents for a new jersey but he knew they wouldn't buy it.

d. Juan knew he needed to be more responsible when it came to his belongings.

What is a. Juan's jersey is sentimental to him.


What is an external response and internal response?


What is...external response is a character's actions and internal response is a character's thoughts and feeling.


What is the meaning of the word frustrated in paragraph 12?

a. to feel sad

b. to feel happy

c. to feel distress

d. to feel fatigue

What is c. distress.


What does Juan's dialogue in paragraph 13 suggest about about him?

a. he sad that his jersey is missing

b. he was overjoyed that his jersey materialized

c. he was confused about the new jersey

d. he was disappointed because his mom washed the jersey

What is b. he was overjoyed that his jersey materialized.


What is the best summary of paragraphs 5-8?

a. Juan was searching for his jersey in his room and found a clue that led him to the laundromat were he wanted to ask questions but the store was closed.

b. Juan knew someone at the laundromat had stolen his jersey, that is why he went there.

c. Juan tore up his room only to find his jersey wasn't there.

d. Juan was upset because he tore up his room and the jersey wasn't there and his mom was not going to be happy.

What is a. Juan was searching for his jersey in his room and found a clue that led him to the laundromat were he wanted to ask questions but the store was closed.


What method should you use while close reading the text, and why?

What is you should use hashtag and highlight to find key information within the close read to help you infer, clarify, question, visualize, or predict what is happening within the text so that you're prepared for the questions that follow. 

(Students answers may vary slightly.)


Give an example of Man vs Self conflict.

What is (teacher will decide if the example is correct)


Read the dictionary entry below:

home (n)

1. the place where one lives permanently

2. played at a teams own court or field

3. relating to baseball

4. an institution for people of old age

Which definition matches the meaning of home in paragraph 3?

a. definition 1

b. definition 2

c. definition 3

d. definition 4

What is a. definition 1.


What can the reader infer based on paragraphs 16-17?

a. Rosa put the stars around the house as clues for Juan.

b. Rosa did not like the idea of decorating with little stars.

c. Rosa did not mean to leave the stars on the floor upstairs.

d. Rosa wanted to glue the stars to Juan's jersey.

What is C. Rosa did not mean to leave the stars on the floor upstairs.


What is the best summary of paragraphs 12-15?

a. Juan was sad because he had not found his jersey, so he decided to take a walk outside and clear his mind.

b. Juan was sad that he hadn't found his jersey until he came home to a surprise party and his jersey that his family had cleaned for him for his birthday. 

c. Juan hugged his whole family because he was glad they found his jersey and cleaned it.

d. Juan had a surprise party were everyone played football and helped him look for his jersey.

What is b. Juan was sad that he hadn't found his jersey until he came home to a surprise party and his jersey that his family had cleaned for him for his birthday.


How does Juan's external response, finding the pieces of paper affect the plot?

a. Because he starts to investigate, but still does not find his jersey.

b. Because he asked his mom to help him find the jersey.

c. Because he went to his sister Rosa for help.

d. Because he interviewed anyone who seem suspicious of taking his jersey.

What is a. Because he starts to investigate, but still does not find his jersey.



1. What are the five elements of plot?

2. What are the 4 types of conflict?

What is...

1. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution

2. Man vs. Man, Man vs Self, Man vs Nature, Man vs Society
