American Revolution
War of 1812
Andrew Jackson
Manifest Destiny/George Washington

The British government decided to raise taxes in the American colonies after years of salutary neglect?:

 A To raise money to pay off debt from the French and Indian War

 B To increase arms sales to the Native Americans for future conflicts with the French 

C To increase the profits for the colonial merchants that lost money during the French and Indian War

 D To help raise money to settle the area west of the Appalachian Mountains

A .To raise money to pay off debt from the French and Indian War


Which idea guided the development of the Articles of Confederation? 

A A strong central government is necessary to ensure personal liberties

 B A strong central government would threaten the rights of the people.

 C State governments should cede power to the Judicial branch

 D State governments should grant all people the right to vote

 B A strong central government would threaten the rights of the people.


What statement BEST DESCRIBES the outcome of the House of Representative vote for war in 1812? 

A Sectional divisions were evident in the declaration of war against the British

 B New England states were  unified in the declaration of war against the British

 C The Mid-Atlantic states were unified in their decision to declare war against the British

 D Sectional differences were not evident in the declaration of war against the British

A Sectional divisions were evident in the declaration of war against the British


Hamilton’s creation of the National Bank and Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana are similar in that they both:

 A led to the decline of  the relationship between the US and European powers 

B led to the decline of American industry

 C demonstrated the limits of the US Constitution

 D demonstrated the flexibility of the US Constitution

 D demonstrated the flexibility of the US Constitution


How did the Lewis and Clark expedition influence patterns of settlement? 

A It destroyed the power of the Spanish and French to establish colonies in the Louisiana Territory 

B It destroyed the power of American Indians to establish villages along the Missouri River 

C It opened the Rio Grande River as a means for the United States to navigate to new land. 

D It opened the Louisiana Territory to increased immigration by providing new maps and routes

D It opened the Louisiana Territory to increased immigration by providing new maps and routes


 What idea was this colonist referring to? “Many of the [colonial] storekeepers couldn’t give away any of the British goods on the stores’ shelves. It was as if the colonists had agreed to not buy any English products.” 

A The colonists paying tariffs 

B The colonial practice of striking

 C The colonists paying their duties

 D The colonial practice of boycotting

D The colonial practice of boycotting


Which conclusion about the Constitutional Convention is best supported by the following headlines?

 “New Congress to Have Two Houses”

 “Slaves to Count as Three-Fifths of a Person”

 “Civil Liberties Guaranteed to be Protected”

 A. States with large populations controlled the outcome of the convention through force

 B. The framers of the Constitution gave all states equal power under the new Constitution

 C. States with smaller populations would lose power in the new Constitution

 D. The framers of the Constitution were able to compromise on important issues

D.The framers of the Constitution were able to compromise on important issues


What cause of the War of 1812 is addressed in the excerpt below? “To maintain the British navy's strength, the press gangs were constantly at work. Not only did they have to replace men who were killed or died in service, but they also had to replace the countless vacancies created by desertion. Lord Nelson estimated that between 1793 and 1801 perhaps as many as 40,000 men deserted the navy. With demand for sailors always high and supply sometimes lacking, it is not surprising that the press gangs preyed from time to time on protected men, including Americans.” Source: 

A Industrialization

 B Impressment

 C Maritime trade

D Mercantilism

 B Impressment


Which statement BEST EXPLAINS the increase in sectionalism between 1820 and 1850?

 A Westward expansion created a heated debate over the nation's policy concerning American Indians.

 B Westward expansion created a need for government spending to improve transportation.

 C Westward expansion caused a recurring debate over the expansion of slavery into the new territories.

 D Westward expansion during

 C Westward expansion caused a recurring debate over the expansion of slavery into the new territories.


According to the Treaty of Paris (1783), what became the western boundary of the United States? 

A The Rocky Mountains

 B The Appalachian Mountains

 C The Mississippi River

 D The Pacific Ocean

 C The Mississippi River


Which title is most accurate for the timeline below?

 A. Causes of the American Revolution

 B. Effects of Colonial Protest

 C. Causes of British Mercantilism

 D. Effects of British Navigation Laws

 A. Causes of the American Revolution


What is the main idea of the passage below? ...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to altar or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,...                                                                                                        - Thomas Jefferson, 1776 

 A To criticize support for the Albany Plan of Union

 B To criticize the ratification of Articles of Confederation

 C To provide justification for declaring independence 

D To provide justification of obedience to Great Britain

 C To provide justification for declaring independence


How did the XYZ Affair and the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts affect American politics? It shall be lawful for the President of the United States . . . to order all such aliens as he shall judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States . . . to depart out of the territory of the United States . . . - The Alien Friends Act, June 25, 1798                                                                           If any person shall write, print, utter, or publish . . . scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States . . . they shall be punished by a fine . . . and by imprisonment.   - The Sedition Act, July 14, 1798      

   A Legislation was passed that limited U.S. citizens′ First Amendment rights to silence government critics by imprisoning or deporting them without due process. 

B Legislation was passed that increased the power of the state governments to silence the federal government by preventing the use of implied powers 

C Legislation was passed that limited the power of the president during wartime to protect the rights of the people

 D Legislation was passed that expanded voting rights to newly immigrated citizens to protect their Constitutional rights

 A Legislation was passed that limited U.S. citizens′ First Amendment rights to silence government critics by imprisoning or deporting them without due process.


Based on the excerpt below, why did President Jackson dislike the 2nd Bank of the United States? "… the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.  ...  to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society--the farmers, mechanics, and laborers -- who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their government…” 

A The Bank of the US  would not fund the use of the army & navy against South Carolina during the Nullification Crisis

 B The Bank of the US  gave too many loans to western farmers without properly determining if the loans could be repaid

 C The Bank of the US had acted irresponsibly and traded stock in the Bank for foreign investors for titles of nobility.

 D The Bank of the US benefited the elite, upper class and did not offer the same to the common man

 D The Bank of the US benefited the elite, upper class and did not offer the same to the common man


Why did we head west? 

A. Gold

B. Land

C. Food

D. Employment

B. Land


Which conclusion about the American Revolutionary War is clearly supported by information in the chart below? 

A England had few advantages in a war with her American colonies.

 B The thirteen colonies had fewer, but  important advantages in the war with England. 

C England did not believe that the thirteen colonies were worth the expense of a war.

 D The thirteen colonies had more advantages than disadvantages upon entering the war

 B The thirteen colonies had fewer, but  important advantages in the war with England.


Which statement would be the best title for the political cartoon below? 

A The foundation of strong international trade alliances. 

B Steps in the creation of a more stable national government.

 C Steps in the creation of a more stable state government.

D The foundation of strong trade relationships between the states.

B Steps in the creation of a more stable national government.


Which of the following people would have MOST LIKELY made the following statement? “The British have no right to act like they own us! They keep giving the Native Americans guns to use against us! This kidnapping of American sailors to use as soldiers has got to stop! We are fed up!” 

A A New England factory worker 

B A Canadian diplomat

 C A farmer from Ohio

 D A French soldier stationed in Louisiana

 C A farmer from Ohio


What was the cartoonist’s purpose for drawing the political cartoon about President Andrew Jackson? 

A The purpose of the political cartoon was to turn the American public against Jackson by proving Jackson changed the American government from a republic to into a monarchy. 

B The purpose of the political cartoon was to increase American public support for Jackson by proving that the “American Dream” could be achieved by the common man. 

C The purpose of the political cartoon was to turn the American public against Jackson by depicting him as a tyrannical ruler who disregarded the principles of American democracy.

 D The purpose of the political cartoon was to increase American public support for Jackson by depicting him as a noble ruler capable of leading the American people.

C The purpose of the political cartoon was to turn the American public against Jackson by depicting him as a tyrannical ruler who disregarded the principles of American democracy.


Which opinion best reflects why George Washington warned against the continued development of political parties?   "Let me now warn you in the most serious manner against the terrible effects of political parties in general… sharpened by the spirit of revenge… a frightful abuse of power… this leads to a more formal and permanent cruel use of power.  Sooner or later, the leaders of these parties become the loudest voice, and turns the disposition [character of a person] into the purposes of his own - to gain more power for himself, and ruins the public freedom….” -  President George Washington’s Farewell Address 

A Political parties would lead to the collapse of the banking system which would severely restrict the growth of the American economy. 

B Political parties would lead to an abuse of power, increase sectional division, and loss of freedom.

 C Political parties would prevent the inclusion of members of society typically excluded from the government processes.

 D Political parties would prevent the natural development of alliances that would serve in the best interest of the nation

B Political parties would lead to an abuse of power, increase sectional division, and loss of freedom.


How did the American Revolution change history? 

A The American Revolution demonstrated that the wealthy elites in colonies had the power to establish their own constitutional monarchy. 

B As a result of the American Revolution, the power of absolute monarchies began to decline as democratic ideas spread throughout the rest of the world. 

C The American Revolution demonstrated that following the ideas of enlightenment thinkers failed to support the general welfare of the people.

 D As a result of the American Revolution, the power of absolute monarchies increased as a way to protect the people from oppressive governmental systems

B As a result of the American Revolution, the power of absolute monarchies began to decline as democratic ideas spread throughout the rest of the world.


How did the Articles of Confederation impact the distribution of power between the state and federal government? 

A Even though each state had its own tax policy, the federal government required federal taxes to help regulate trade. This weakened the power of the states. 

B Even though the states could make changes to federal laws, the federal government could veto those changes. This weakened the power of the states.

 C Because the federal government was not able to write treaties, the individual states could negotiate with foreign ambassadors. This weakened the power of the federal government.

 D Because the federal government did not have the ability to enforce laws, the states had no motivation to follow federal law. This weakened the power of the federal government.

 D Because the federal government did not have the ability to enforce laws, the states had no motivation to follow federal law. This weakened the power of the federal government.


Based on the graph below, what would account for the dramatic shift in exports from 1806 to 1808?

A An increase in trade caused by Washington’s Declaration of Neutrality during the French Revolution

 B A decrease in trade caused by the impressment of American sailors by the French and the British 

C A decrease in trade caused by President Jefferson’s Embargo Act

 D An increase in trade as a result of the the XYZ Affair during Adams’ administration

C A decrease in trade caused by President Jefferson’s Embargo Act


What best explains the change shown from the Election of 1824 and the Election of 1828?   Election Year # of Votes Cast 1824 350,000 1828 1,140,000 

A Federal government granted women the right to vote

 B Federal government allowed 18-year-old citizens to vote

 C States removed the poll tax for voting

 D States removed property qualifications for voting

 D States removed property qualifications for voting


How did Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality impact the foreign policy of the United States? “Whereas it appears that a state of war exists between...Great-Britain...of the one part, and France on the other...the duty and interest of the United States require, that they should with sincerity and good faith adopt and pursue a conduct friendly and impartial toward the belligerent powers; And I do hereby also make known that whosoever of the citizens of the United States shall render himself liable to committing, aiding or abetting hostilities against any of the said powers...will not receive the protection of the United States, against such punishment...”         - from George Washington “Proclamation of Neutrality” Philadelphia, 22 April 1793 

A.Washington called for the punishment of citizens who aided hostile foreign powers, which set the

precedent for establishing limits on the first amendment during times of crisis.

B.Washington called for the United States to avoid getting involved in a war between European

powers, which resulted in a policy of isolationism.

C.Washington called for the punishment of citizens who aided hostile European powers, which set

the precedent to detaining suspicious citizens without due process.

D.Washington called for the United States to avoid getting involved in a war between European

powers, which led to the formation of political parties.

B.Washington called for the United States to avoid getting involved in a war between European

powers, which resulted in a policy of isolationism.
