Selective Breeding Vocab
Selective Breeding
Ecology Vocab

The process of humans deliberately breeding organisms for a desired trait.

What is Selective Breeding?


A process that will most likely REDUCE genetic diversity.

What is selective breeding?


An environment that provides the things an organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce.

What is a habitat?


These organisms produce energy through the use of photosynthesis?

What is a producer/autotroph?


A group of land ecosystems with similar climates and organisms.

What is a biome?


This type of reproduction requires only 1 parent and produces offspring with genes uniform to the parent.

What is Asexual Reproduction?


The process of humans breeding leopard geckos to alter their characteristics to become more desirable.  

What is selective breeding/artificial selection?


All of the environmental factors and interspecies relationships that influence the species, including the job of the species.

What is a niche?


These organisms are herbivores, therefore they are called ______________ consumers.

What is primary? 


Which biome is characterized by low temperatures and low amounts of rainfall?

What is the tundra?


This type of reproduction requires 2 parents and produces offspring genetically diverse from either parent.

What is sexual reproduction?


Which best describes an example of selective breeding?

A. horses bred by humans based on how fast they can run a race

B. cats bred by humans based on where they are located in the world

C. peacocks breeding with each other based on the color of their feathers

D. striped bass breeding with each other based on the size of their territory

What is A? Horses bred by humans based on how fast they can run a race


A relationship between two species in which one species benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed.

What is commensalism?


These organisms are typically at the top of the food chain. They are called ____________ consumers.

What is an apex? 


Plants with spines and waxy leaves are well-suited for life in which environment?

What is the taiga?


An alternative term for Selective Breeding.

What is Artificial Selection?


There are many benefits of selective breeding. Name two.

What is elimination of a desired trait and production of an offspring with desired traits. 

An organism that breaks down waste and dead organisms.

What is a decomposer?


A model that shows the flow of energy from one trophic, or feeding, level to the next in an ecosystem.

What is an energy pyramid?


Which animal is probably well adapted to a hot, dry environment? 

(rabbit, rodent, white fox, or long-legged bird)

What is a rodent? 


A characteristic of an organism that is determined by its genetic material and that affects how it looks or behaves.

What is a trait?


Patricia breeds rabbits to sell as pets. She noticed that rabbits with longer, softer ears sell better than those with short ears. Which best describes what Patricia should do to sell the most rabbits?

A. Patricia should breed together a rabbit with soft fur and a rabbit with rough fur.

B. Patricia should breed the rabbits with the longest, softest ears together.

C. Patricia should breed together a rabbit with black fur and a rabbit with white fur.

D. Patricia should breed a rabbit with long, soft ears with a rabbit with short ears.

What is B? Patricia should breed the rabbits with the longest, softest ears together. 


A series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy. Usually written on one line.

What is a food chain?


What is the percentage of energy LOST as it moves from producer to primary consumer to secondary consumer?

What is 90%?


Karl describes an ecosystem that he visits frequently. The plant life in the ecosystem is mostly grass, about 3 feet tall. The grass is in a muddy area that floods each afternoon with a mix of freshwater and saltwater. There is a small river present. Karl likes to catch crabs there and often sees baby fish. What type of ecosystem is Karl describing? 

(estuary, shoreline, freshwater river, coral reef ocean)

What is an estuary ecosystem?
