The First Crusade was a success but also a failure for the Christians. Why?
Many died from starvation and bad organization but they won Jerusalem back
Name and explain two ways the Muslims made astronomy better.
They improved the compass and astrolabe to find the direction of Mecca.
What are the four social classes of the Yuan Dynasty in order?
Mongols, Semu, Northern Chinese, Southern Chinese
What is closed-door policy? Is this what the Silk Road has?
It does not allow traders to come in and no one can spread and share ideas and goods. No, the Silk Road does not have this.
What is cultural diffusion?
The spreading of cultural elements from one culture to another.
What are some events and the result of the Second Crusade?
Muslims wanted to take over the Holy Land but were defeated so there was no protection of Jerusalem
Name and explain two ways the Muslims made mathematics better.
They came up with Arabic Numerals, the concept of zero, and they wrote a textbook on algebra.
How were the social classes ranked by the Mongolians?
They were ranked by the order they were conquered and by how rich or poor you were.
What is an open-door policy? Does the Silk Road have this?
open door policy is whenanyone from a different country or city-state can trade with you or they cancome into your land without you knowing and they allowed their people to have to leave territory.Yes, the Silk Road does have this.
Who was Marco Polo? What was he famous for?
Marco Polo was an European explorer who traveled along the Silk Road in Asia. While he was in China he exchanged ideas with Kublai Kahn. He was most famous for the book he wrote " The Travels of Marco Polo". In the book he tells the people about all the things he saw in China (inculding inventions). Most of the people in Europe did not believe him.
What are events and result of the Third Crusade?
Saladin conquered Jerusalem, King Richard sent the Crusaders to get back Jerusalem but they had been defeated, the Crusaders and Saladin made a truce that they could go to Jerusalem without paying tribute and Jerusalem was completely under Muslim control.
What are two different ways the Muslims improved navigation and geography?
They figured out the Earth was not flat and calculated its circumference. They created accurate maps of the world, which would help out the future explorers such as Christopher Columbus.
What type of people were the Mongols? Explain.
They were Nomads, which means they traveled from place to place.
There were some goods that came from asia and Europe. What are some of them?
Some are gunpowder, silk, paper, gold, and Christianity.
The Mongols had military advantages that the Mongols had over China, Korea, and Japan. What were they?
Military advantages were that the Mongols had gunpowder, bows and arrows, and horses.(led to use of the gun by Red Turbans)
What did the Christians destroying Constantinople lead to?
The Ottoman Turks conquering Constantinople
What are two different ways the Muslims improved medicine.
Muslim pharamcists began to develop many medications, they developed hospitals, and they began to use surgery.
Why or Why not the the people were treated fairly?
No, because they made the Mongols and Hans the only government officials.
What is the Silk Road used for?
It was used to pass along goods and ideas.
What is the Magna Carta? Where was it, when was it developed, and what are some effects it had?
The Magna Carta is a charter that was signed by King John of England that gave more power to the common people and took more away from the king. It was signed in modern day England. One effect it had was it influenced the Declaration of Independence of the U.S. and also the American Revolution. Another effect that it has was that the people of England would unify because of this document and eventually they would form a nation-state known as England.
What are some events of the Fourth Crusade?
Crusaders destroyed Constantinople but were sent to conquer Jerusalem
Explain what the Golden Age is.
A time-period in the Middle East when inventions and ideas were developed
What are three reasons why the social classes are different than the United States social classes?
The people in the U.S. are not ranked from rich to poor. Anyone as long as they were citizens could be in government. Everyone is not ranked from the order they were conquered.
What is the Silk Road?
The silk road is interlinking trade routes between Asia, Europe, and Africa.
What was Europe forced to do after the Ottoman Turks took control f Constantinople?
Europe was forced to find a new trade route to Asia over seas becasue they were afraid that the Turks would attack them if they went through the Middle East because they would enter their territory.