The most advanced college degree one can earn.
Doctorate Degree
Automatic physiological reaction to perceived danger.
Fight or Flight
Process by which patients are given info including benefits & risks of procedure.
Informed Consent
Government insurance for those over 65 years of age.
Career cluster which includes management of healthcare data.
Health Informatics
A type of micronutrient vital to healthy development.
The tort when a medical professional does a procedure on a patient without patient's consent.
United States military insurance program.
Secondary Education
High School
Type of law when a person is harmed because healthcare provider does not meet standard of care.
Pat has 70%-30% insurance plan. How much does Pat pay for a $100 visit?
Vitamins B & C are what types of vitamins?
Water soluble. (dissolve in water, not stored in body)
Legal document stating what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life.
Living Will
Facility for person who can no longer care for themselves or perform everyday activities.
Long-term Care Facility
Essential skills that enable one to thrive in the workplace.
Employability Skills
The change that occurs in the eyes during fight or flight.
Pupil Dilation (improve vision)
Written threats can be classified as this type of abuse.
Provides info to those concerned with risk of inherited conditions.
Genetic Counseling