What does "raining cats and dog" mean?
It means it's raining very heavily.
What does it mean to "bite off more than you can chew"?
To take on a task that is too big or difficult.
What does "under the weather" mean?
Feeling sick or unwell.
What does "wear your heart on your sleeve" mean?
To show your emotions openly.
What does "kick the bucket" mean?
To die.
What does it mean when someone has "a horse in the race"?
It means they have a vested interest in a situation.
If someone says "you are what you eat," what are they suggesting?
That your health and character are influenced by what you consume.
If someone says "it's a breeze," what do they mean?
Something is very easy to do.
If someone says "on cloud nine," what do they mean?
They are very happy.
If someone says "to hit the nail on the head," what does that mean?
To be exactly right about something.
If someone says "let the cat out of the bag," what has happened?
A secret has been revealed.
What does "bring home the bacon" mean?
To earn a living or make money for your family.
What does "snowed under" mean?
To be overwhelmed with work or responsibilities.
What does "to feel blue" mean?
To feel sad or depressed.
What does it mean to "let sleeping dogs lie"?
To avoid interfering in a situation that could cause trouble.
What does "the early bird catches the worm" mean?
Those who start early or act quickly have an advantage.
What does it mean to "have your cake and eat it too"?
To enjoy the benefits of two different things at the same time, which is often impossible.
What does "every cloud has a silver lining" mean?
There is something good in every bad situation.
What does "have a chip on your shoulder" mean?
To seem angry all the time because you think you have been treated unfairly
What does "the ball is in your court" mean?
It's your turn to take action or make a decision.
What does it mean to "have a wolf by the ears"?
To be in a difficult situation where you cannot get out without risk.
If someone says "the icing on the cake," what are they referring to?
A positive addition to something that is already good.
If someone says "a storm is brewing," what are they suggesting?
Trouble is coming or a conflict is about to happen.
It's the pot calling the kettle black
A situation in which one person criticizes another for a fault the first person also has
What does "barking up the wrong tree" mean?
To make a wrong assumption or pursue a mistaken course of action.