What is the abbreviation for frequency "every day"?
What is "qd"
What is the abbreviation for a frequency "four times a day"
What is "qid"
What is the abbreviation for a frequency "as needed"
what is "prn"
What is the abbreviation for frequency "as tolerated"
What is "as tol"
What is the abbreviation for frequency "every two hours"?
What is "q2h"
What does the abbreviation "tbsp" mean?
What is "tablespoon"
What does the abbreviation "HS" mean?
What is "hour of sleep (bedtime)"
What does the abbreviation "BR" mean?
What is "bed rest"
What does the abbreviation "pc" mean?
What is "after meals"
What does the abbreviation "sig" mean?
What is "give the following directions"
What is the abbreviation for "respiration"?
What is "R"
What is the abbreviation for "temperature, pulse, respiration"?
What is "TPR"
What is the abbreviation for "diagnosis"?
What is "DX"
What is the abbreviation for "history and physical"?
What is "H&P"
What is the abbreviation for "nothing by mouth"?
What is "NPO"
What abbreviation would an optometrist use frequently when prescribing a medication?
What is gtts (drops)
What abbreviation would represent a common form of medication (e.g. tablet, inhaler, suppository, liquid, injection) a pediatrician would use for giving a medication if a child has vomiting with a fever.
What is "supp" suppository
What abbreviation would be used if doctor is prescribing a medication route to be administered under the tongue.
What is "sl" sublingual
What abbreviation would be used when documenting any observations or statements from a patient?
What is "S/S" signs and symptoms
What abbreviation would be used if a patient is diabetic and is having their blood sugar checked?
What is "bs" or "fbs"
(blood sugar or fasting blood sugar)
What abbreviation would represent clinical data taken to assess how the body is functioning?
What is "VS"
(vital signs)
What abbreviation would be important for a doctor or pharmacist to look at in a patients chart or record before prescribing/dispensing medicine?
What is "NKA" or "NKDA"?
No known allergies
No known drug allergies
What abbreviation shows how blood pressure is measured?
What is "mm Hg"
(millimeter of mercury)
What abbreviation shows what would be administered (given) if patient is experiencing shortness of breath?
What is "O2" (oxygen)
What abbreviation shows the route a medication would be administered (given) to a muscle?
What is "IM"