Myth #1
Myth #2
Myth #4

Drinking enough water can help improve your skin's appearance.

TRUE ( Staying hydrated helps maintain your skin's elasticity and can help it look healthier)


Drinking milk can help build strong bones.

TRUE (Milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, which are important for bone health)


Energy drinks are a good way to boost your energy.

FALSE (Energy drinks often contain high levels of sugar and caffeine, which can lead to health problems like heart palpitations, anxiety, and sleep disturbances)


It is safe to thaw frozen food on the counter overnight.

False – Food should be thawed in the fridge, under cold water, or in the microwave.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

TRUE (Eating a healthy breakfast can provide essential nutrients, boost energy levels, and improve concentration throughout the day)


Eating an apple a day can help keep the doctor away.

TRUE (Apples are rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which contribute to overall health and may help reduce the risk of certain diseases)


Drinking green tea can boost your metabolism.

TRUE (Green tea contains compounds that can help increase metabolism and aid in fat burning)


Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin because the body produces it when exposed to sunlight.

True- Sun exposure helps the body synthesize vitamin D.


Eating sugar causes diabetes.

FALSE (While excessive sugar can contribute to weight gain and other health issues, diabetes is more about overall lifestyle and genetics.)


Dark chocolate can be part of a healthy diet.

TRUE. (Dark chocolate, in moderation, can be a healthy treat, as it contains antioxidants and less sugar than milk chocolate)


All smoothies are healthy

FALSE (Some smoothies, especially those with added sugars or made from juice concentrates, can be high in calories and sugar. )


Social media has no influence on food choices.

False – Ads and influencers impact what people eat.


You can eat as much fruit as you want without any negative effects.

FALSE (While fruit is healthy and full of nutrients, it still contains sugar and calories, so it's important to consume it in moderation)


Skipping meals can help you lose weight faster.

FALSE (Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism and lead to overeating later.)


Consuming too much sugar can lead to tooth decay.

TRUE (Excessive sugar intake can contribute to the formation of cavities by feeding bacteria in your mouth that produce acids harmful to your teeth)


Leaving perishable foods out at room temperature for too long is safe

False – Bacteria grow quickly between 40°F and 140°F.


Eating at night will make you gain weight.

FALSE (What you eat and how much you eat matters more than the time of day.)


Drinking lots of water will help you lose weight

FALSE (Water is essential for health but doesn’t directly cause weight loss; it helps keep you hydrated.)


If a food package says “low fat,” it is always a healthy

False – Some low-fat foods have added sugar or chemicals.


Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables provides different vitamins and nutrients.

True – Different colors indicate different health benefits.
