How much is it?
언제 끝나? / 언제 시작 해?
When does it end? / When does it start?
목욕탕이 어디야?
Where’s the bathroom?
지금 몇 시지?
What time is it?
왜 좋아해? 왜 싫어해?
Why do you like it? Why don’t you like it?
어떻게 지내세요? 잘 지내?
How are you?
파티가 언제 야?
When’s the party?
그것이 어디에 있어?
Where is it?
뭐가 문제 야?
What’s the problem?
왜 틀렸어? 왜 맞아?
Why is it wrong? Why is it right?
오늘은 어때요?
How’s your day?
언제 시간있으세요?
When do you have time? / When are you free?
어디에 사니?
Where do you live?
그게 뭐야?
What is that?
왜 필요해?
Why do you need it?
어떻게 해요?
How do you do it?
언제 떠나?
When are you leaving?
어디 가니?
Where are you going?
(지금) 뭐해?
What are you doing?
왜 안돼?
Why not?
얼마나 기다려야 하나요?
How long does it take?
언제가도 되니?
When should I come?
어디에서 만날까?
Where are we meeting?
무슨 일이야?
What’s going on?
왜 물어봐?
Why do you ask?