What is RSV caused by? Virus or bacteria?
What is the flu caused by? Virus or bacteria?
True or false: rhinovirus infections cause the common cold
True or false: croup can be caused by either a virus or bacteria
True. Virus is the most common cause but croup can also be caused by bacteria, allergies, or reflux from the stomach.
True or false: pneumonia is an infection in the lungs
What are three symptoms of RSV
Cough, wheezing, runny nose, fever, congestion, trouble breathing (nasal flaring, straining of the chest wall or stomach, periods of apnea), increased respiratory rate, decreased appetite
What is the best way to prevent flu infection in children?
Yearly flu vaccine
How is the rhinovirus transmitted?
Air by coughing and sneezing
Close personal contact
Touching contaminated surfaces and objects
What kind of cough does croup cause children to have?
Barking cough, "seal's bark"
What causes pneumonia? Virus or bacteria? Both?
pneumonia is most often caused by bacteria or viruses
Common bacteria that cause pneumonia:
Streptococcus pneumniae, mycoplasma pneumonia, Group B streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus
Common viruses that cause pneumonia:
RSV, parainfluenza virus, flu, adenovirus, covid
What does the CDC recommend to help prevent RSV in infants and children?
An RSV vaccine given to the mother during pregnancy
An RSV immunization given to infants and some older babies
What are three symptoms of the flu in children?
What is the cure for rhinoviruses?
There is no cure. Treatment is supportive.
What age group is croup most often seen in
infant - young child
(3 months to 5 years old)
What type of pneumonia is treated with antibiotics? Bacterial? Viral?
What children are most at risk for developing a severe illness from RSV?
What are complications of the flu?
breathing problems
ear infections
How is rhinovirus diagnosed by a doctor?
Respiratory panel can be done and sent to lab
Most often, doctors diagnose rhinovirus based on signs and symptoms
What time of day are croup symptoms worse?
Croup symptoms are often worse at night and may wake your child up from sleep.
How is pneumonia diagnosed in children?
-Physical exam
-Full health history
-Chest x-ray
-Sputum culture
-Chest CT scan
-Blood tests
What is the treatment for children with RSV?
For severe illness - hospitalization which may include oxygenation, breathing machine, intravenous fluids
What signs and symptoms of the flu require medical attention right away?
Fast or trouble breathing
Bluish lips or face
Ribs pulling in with each breath
Chest pain
Severe muscle pain (child refuses to walk)
Dehydration (no urine for 8 hours, dry mouth, no tears when crying)
Not alert or interacting when aware
Fever above 104 F
What are three commons signs or symptoms of rhinovirus?
How does croup affect a child's airway?
Croup causes swelling in the upper part of the airway in the neck.
What are signs and symptoms of pneumonia?