Because of this book's rich descriptions of the Maine coastline and Nebraska prairie, students are able to compare and contrast the different geographical settings.
What is Sarah, Plain and Tall
What 3 categories should teachers look for when selecting nonfiction books?
What is Content, text features, and writing quality
What are the seven traits of writing?
What is Ideas, Organization, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Voice, Conventions, and Presentation
This strategy involves groups of 3-8 students who are reading the same story, article, or historical novel selected and introduced by a book talk by the teacher.
What are literature circles
These were written during the Civil War, and they may be used to help students gain insight into what children of this time experienced?
What is Children's Magazines
How do fiction books help a teacher enrich her classroom?
What is they can expand a topic by having children read beyond the social studies textbook
What are 3 features of techniques for reading nonfiction books and their features?
What is Bold print- Makes the reader stop and pay attention as new information or vocabulary is being introduced Caption- Brief description of a photograph or illustration Table of Contents- Division of the book into sections or chapters Index- Tells location of specific topics Heading- Tells what the texts that follows is about Subheading- Breaks the text into smaller parts Distribution Map- Shows where something occurs
A. What is the stage in which the teacher establishes a purpose for the writing and gives students time to think about their individual topics?
What is Pre-writing stage
This is the five step strategy that uses surveying, formulating questions, reading, reciting, and reviewing?
What is SQ3R Strategy
What is the difference between aesthetic and efferent reading and writing?
What is aesthetic is reading for pleasure while efferent reading is reading to find out information.
What type of books accurately depict cultural and sociological commonalities and differences?
What is Historical Fiction.
What are some examples of short texts?
What is newspaper articles, letters, book reviews, and magazine articles.
Children write best when?
What is when they write about what is most familiar and interesting to them
What is one way for students to become aware of how to use actual, authentic historical documents and artifacts?
What is they can use their own family's letters; letters from soldiers to their loved ones, or letters from family members who moved to another state and describe the differences in geography.
Students caring about each other's learning and understanding that "they are responsible for one another's learning."
What is positive interdependence
What are some concepts students can learn by reading nonfiction books?
What is economics, personal reflection, cultural and sociological differences, the importance of freedom, and acceptance of all people.
Why are informational books important in social studies instruction?
What is so children can become familiar with "what really happened."
What forms of writing should be used to meet different social studies goals?
What is informational, poetic, and narrative
What is the "word warriors" job in a literature circle?
What is keeps a list of unusual or unfamiliar words from the book along with writing the sentences in which they were used and their definitions
In order to encourage students to become active citizen participants teachers should?
What is keep them aware of current events
What has the increased use of children's literature in social studies instruction provided for classrooms?
What is more relevant textual material for the students than sole use of the social studies textbook.
Why would reading nonfiction texts be a better alternative for students who don't enjoy reading textbooks?
What is because this literature can unlock doors to historical events, light a path for geography, or explain in simple terms an economic or sociological concept.
During the revising stage of writing, the STAR strategy is used. What does STAR stand for?
What is S- Substitute words, T- Take away unnecessary words, A- Add words, R- Rearrange words
What is the purpose of a literature response journal?
What is it allows students freedom to write down their thoughts about a book as they read it
This interactive tool on the Internet allows students to develop an outline of a person whose biography or auto biography they've just read is called?
What is Bio-Cube