Why Change Schools?
Mental Models of Learning
Act 77
30% of students reported being "disengaged" and 20% "actively disengaged" in school according to a national poll.
What is student engagement in school?
Students respond to high expectations.
What motivates students?
Passed into law in July of 2013 to ensure that all Vermont students have access to high-quality educational experiences that best prepare them for life after graduation.
What is Act 77?
Many schools are based on an industrial model that does not reflect present or future society.
Why should schools change?
This describes how the brain forms new neural connections throughout life which allows for a growth mindset.
What is neuroplasticity?
A set of content knowledge and skills connected to state standards that are rooted in demonstrations of student proficiency.
What are Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements (PBGRs)?
“The reason why many of our students do not do better in schools is... that these students do not see the relevance of such learning…" - Carl Glickman
What promotes motivation in learning?
Students and teachers play active roles in teaching and learning together.
What is shared responsibility?
"...an evolving plan developed on behalf of a student in an ongoing process involving a student, a representative of the school, and the student's parents or legal guardian and updated at least annually".
What is a personal learning plan (PLP)?
To thrive today and in the future, students must be able to: Think critically and solve complex problems; Work collaboratively; Communicate effectively, orally and through writing; Learn how to learn; Develop an academic mindset; and Understand content knowledge in core subjects.
What are the skills needed for students to succeed in our world today?
Learning opportunities that build life long skills and provide additional opportunities for post-secondary choices.
What are flexible pathways?
State Board of Education rules ‘... to ensure that all students in Vermont public schools are afforded educational opportunities that are substantially equal in quality’.
What are The 2014 Education Quality Standards (EQS)?
One of the most powerful tools to increase learning is to empower youth to share their opinions and influence their educational experience so that they have a stake in the outcomes.
What is student voice?
Learning is the mastery of content and social-emotional skill development.
What is the focus for schools today?
Increased access to work-based learning, increased virtual/blended learning opportunities, and implementation of Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs).
What are examples of changes that schools need to make because of Act 77?